Private Messaging system by MarkNelson(hobo101) including some commands and some features
How it works:
Well, this private messaging system doesn't have /pm only, it has some features like /pm and /re. Also, if you want to PM someone faster you can press on TAB then click on the player's name two times after that a dialog with a blank will appear to you, asking you to put your message into that blank and you have two options "Send" or "Cancel".
Let's talk about the /pm, when you pm someone your message will be colored with orange while when you recieve a message from someone, it will be colored with yellow, and if you want to reply him faster, you can use /re [Message] to reply him faster.
System Commands:
- /pm [playerid] [message] to PM the player
- /re [message] to reply the pm faster and easier
- press on TAB then click on the player's name two times after that a dialog with a blank will appear to you, asking you to put your message into that blank and you have two options "Send" or "Cancel".
There are no bugs, and i already fixed them. If you find any bug, feel free to PM me through the forums