Hi, I'm not that good in pawn because I'm learning only 1 week ... But I made random chat messages for you every few minutes!WHAT IS THIS?
It's a small system, you can not even call it a system, but let's say it's a chat system ... For example: You drive a map by car, and you're alone on the server ... You're looking ... "ABOUT MOTHER DON" This is what happened? AGAINST I HAVE A SERVER FOR LOCALHOST !!! but ... Not so fast ... But remember how you gave your messages there? THIS IS THEY HAS BEEN DISPLAYED, and there is no one on the server! haha! :D :D :D :p ;) :cool:WHAT DO I DO?
Please, do not hesitate me / or do not send me strange comments about this script ... :( I'm just learning ... :(HTML Code:
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