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[FilterScript] Multilingual scripts facilitate foreign players to play servers

Hello, everyone. I am a player from China.

Recently I thought about if there were multiple national languages in the server.

Is it possible to integrate players from different countries in a single server?

So I decided to release this script multilingual system.

What is a bilingual script?
Bilingual script

As the name implies, it is implemented on a server that players can understand.

languages of various countries,
For example, on a server, the server is British.

But when you enter the server, you can see that there are two languages to choose from.

One is English and the other is Chinese.
Here's the picture.

Script code





























































enum MultiLanguage_Info
new const MultiLanguage[][MultiLanguage_Info]=
{" "," "},

{"你可能使用对话框作弊,本次会话失效!","You may cheat using the dialog box, this session lapsed!"},
{"[反作弊] %s 可能使用作弊器刷出武器 %s !","[Anti-Cheat] %s may use cheating brush %s !"},
{"[反作弊] 你可能使用了穿墙作弊器,现将你恢复到当前坐标最高点!","[Anti-Cheat] You may have used a wall cheat, now you will be restored to the current coordinates of the highest point!"},
{"[反作弊] 请使用 {FF8000}SA-MP 0.3.7-R2{FFFFFF} 客户端登录,下载地址:http://www.sa-mp.com/download.php","[Anti-Cheat] Please login with {FF8000}SA-MP 0.3.7-R2{FFFFFF} client,download address:http://www.sa-mp.com/download.php"},
{"[反作弊] 你可能使用了无限弹药","[Anti-Cheat] You may have used unlimited ammunition"},
{"[反作弊] 你可能使用了速射","[Anti-Cheat] You may have used a rapid fire"},

{"你已注册,请登录账户","You have registered,Please login account"},
{"欢迎进入 %s [数据库ID: %i ],请输入密码登陆游戏!","Welcome %s [Database ID: %i ],Please enter the password login game"},
{"密码错误","Wrong Password"},
{"请输入重新密码来登陆","Please re-enter the password to login"},
{"点击左上角 {FF0000}PLAY{FFFFFF} 可以直接进入{FFFF00}自动匹配{FFFFFF}中!","Click Top left corner {FF0000}PLAY{FFFFFF} can enter the {FFFF00}game match directly{FFFFFF}!"},
{">>如果不想等待,输入 {FF0000}/exit{FFFFFF} 可以返回 {00FF80}前厅{FFFFFF}!",">>If you do not want to wait,enter {FF0000}/exit{FFFFFF} to return to the {00FF80}lobby{FFFFFF}!"},
{">>等候区娱乐功能:刷车[{00FF80}步行Y键{FFFFFF}] 音乐系统[{8080FF}小键盘6键 歌单 / 鼠标控制播放器{FFFFFF}]",">> Waiting Room features: Brush car [{00FF80}/c{FFFFFF}] music system [{00FF80}Keypad 6 Song list / mouse click player{FFFFFF}] "},
{"如需{FFFF00}手动匹配{FFFFFF},请点击左侧 {80FFFF}黑色双人图标","For {FFFF00} manual match {FFFFFF},click the {80FFFF} black double icon {FFFFFF}on the left"},

{"你未注册,请注册账户","You are not registered, please register an account"},
{"欢迎进入,%s,你还没有注册,请注册并登陆游戏","Welcome, %s,You are not registered,Please register and login to the game"},
{"字符过少或过多[4-15个字符]","Too few or too many characters [4-15 characters]"},
{"请重新输入密码来注册","Please re-enter the password to register"},

{">帮助> F键 跳伞 | Y键 背包 | N键 雷达 | ALT键 全部拾取 | 启动汽车LCTRL |小键盘4键 伤害显示 | 离开房间 /exit",">Help> F key parachute | Y Key Inventory | N Key Radar |ALT Key Pick up all | LCTRL Key Start Car | keypad 4 damage display | Leave Room /exit"},
{">物资> {FFFF00}物资及载具{FFFFFF}大多分布在{80FFFF}城镇或城市里{FFFFFF}[小地图 {8000FF}问号{FFFFFF} ]",">Materials> {FFFF00}Goods and vehicles{FFFFFF} are mostly distributed in {80FFFF}cities or towns{FFFFFF} [small map {8000FF}question mark{FFFFFF}]"},
{">降落伞> 选择合适的时间和位置 {FF8000}鼠标左键{FFFFFF} 开启降落伞",">Parachute> Select the appropriate time and location Click the left mouse button to open the parachute"},

{"*{00FF80}安全区[ N键 {FFFFFF}白色区域{00FF80}]出现了!","*The safe area and poisonous area appeared[N key {FFFFFF}white area{00FF80}]!"},
{"*{FF8040}毒雾开始蔓延!","*{FF8040}The poisonous area began to spread!"},
{"*{FF80C0}安全区正在缩小!","*{FF80C0}The safety zone is shrinking!"},
{"*{FF8040}毒雾正在蔓延!","*{FF8040}The poison zone is spreading!"},

{"! %s 被 %s 杀死了[武器: %s ]>>剩余 %i 人","! %s was killed by %s [Weapon: %s ] >>%i left"},
{"! %s 跑图中死亡了[原因: %s ]>>剩余 %i 人","! %s dead in running map [Cause: %s ] >>%i left"},
{"! %s 离开了比赛房间>>剩余 %i 人","! %s Left the match >>%i left"},

{"! 恭喜 %s%s {FFFFFF}在比赛房间[%i],获得了{FF8040}最终的胜利!","! Congratulations %s%s {FFFFFF}won{FF8040} the final victory {FFFFFF}in the match room[%i]!"},

{">> 关闭背包[{FF8000}ESC键{FFFFFF}]",">> Close Inventory[{FF8000}ESC Key{FFFFFF}]"},
{">> 关闭雷达[{FF8000}N键{FFFFFF}]",">> Turn off the radar[{FF8000}N Key{FFFFFF}]"},

{"^你已进入了自动匹配等候区,请等待倒计时结束[满 2 人启动倒计时],自动开启房间","^You have entered the automatic matching waiting area, please wait for the countdown [Over 2 people start CountDown], automatically open the room"},

{">> 你的背包容量不够了,无法执行此操作[装备 背包 特殊物品可以增加背包容量]",">> Your backpack capacity is not enough, can not perform this operation [equipment backpack Special items can increase the backpack capacity]"},
{">> 物品 %s 使用成功!",">> Article %s Use successfully!"},
{">> 物品 %s 丢弃成功!",">> Article %s Discarded successfully!"},

{"商店:你没有足够的金币购买这个物品!","Store: You do not have enough gold to buy this item!"},
{"商店:购买失败,你的背包已经满了!","Store: Purchase failed, your bag is full!"},
{"商店: %s 购买成功,已送入你的背包,欢迎再次光临!","Stores: %s purchase success, has been sent to your bag, welcome to visit again!"},
{"超市","Super Market"},
{"物品 [%s] 价格: %i 金币,确定购买吗?","Item [%s] Price: %i gold, make sure to buy it?"},
{"购买","buy it"},
{"算了","Forget it"},

{"我的设置","My settings"},
{"主界面场景[%s]\n使用语言[%s]\n我的颜色[%s{FFFFFF}]\n我的表情[%s]\n","Interface Scene[%s]\nUse Lunguage[%s]\nMy Color[%s{FFFFFF}]\nMy Expression[%s]\n"},

{"主界面场景设置","Interface Scene settings"},
{"场景选择[%s]\n场景旋转[%s]","Scene Selection[%s]\nScene rotation[%s]"},
{">> 你开启了场景旋转!",">> You turn on the scene rotation!"},
{">> 你关闭了场景旋转!",">> You turn off the scene rotation!"},

{"颜色显示\t{80FF00}金币价格\n","Color shows\t{80FF00}gold price\n"},
{"请选择要购买的名字颜色","Please choose the name of the color you want to buy"},
{"设置:你没有足够的金币购买这个名字颜色!","Config: You do not have enough gold to buy this color!"},
{"设置:名字颜色购买更换成功!","Config: The name of the color to buy a successful replacement!"},

{"选择场景","Choose a Scene"},
{">> 你已经是这个场景了!",">> You are already in this scene!"},
{">> 场景切换成功!",">> Scene switch is successful!"},

{"选择语言","Choose a language"},
{">> 你已经是这个语言了!",">> You are already in this language!"},
{">> 语言切换成功!",">> Language switch is successful!"},

{"{00FFFF}开发者:{80FF80}WDTK{00FFFF}[QQ:842138647]\n策划及数据提供:{FF80C0}Combat116{00FFFF}\n辅助测试:{FF80FF} Combat116,JiuQin{00FFFF}\n官方论坛:www.gtace.com/bbs","{00FFFF}Developer: {80FF80}WDTK{00FFFF}[QQ:842138647]\nPlanning and Data Delivery: {FF80C0}Combat116{00FFFF} \nAuxiliary Testing: {FF80FF}Combat116,JiuQin{00FFFF}\nForums:www.gtace .com/bbs"},
{"更新日志","Update Log"},

{"^ 附近有 {FFFF00}%s{FFFFFF} ,按 {FF0000}C{FFFFFF} 键,选择拾取!","^ Near have {FFFF00}%s{FFFFFF}, press {FF0000}C{FFFFFF} key,Select and pick!"},
{"* {FFFF00}空投物资{FFFFFF} 出现在小地图 {FF0000}红旗{FFFFFF} 标志处!","* {FFFF00}Airdrop supplies{FFFFFF} appear on the radar of the {FF0000}red flag{FFFFFF}!"},
{"* {FF80FF}天气变化了!","* {FF80FF}The weather has changed!"},

{"更新日志 - "SERVER_MAPNAME"","Update Log"SERVER_MAPNAME""},
{"1.增加个人房间功能[前厅右边 黑色双人图标] H键开始 /rkick 房主T人\n2./o 全服发言 /n 附近50米发言","1.Increase personal room features [black double icon on the right side of the lobby] H key to start /rkick T\n2./o speak full speech /n 50 meters near the speaker"},

{">> 你身上的装饰品已经满了,需要卸下1个才能继续,请选择",">> Your body is full of decorations, you need to remove one to continue, please select!"},
{">> 新的装饰品穿戴成功!",">> New decorations are worn successfully!"},
{"装饰品管理","Decorations management"},
{"物品名\t部位\n%s\t%s\n%s\t%s\n%s\t%s\n","Item name\tBone\n%s\t%s\n%s\t%s\n%s\t%s\n"},
{"删除装饰","Remove the decoration"},
{"确认删除这个装饰?[删除后将无法恢复]","Confirm to delete this decoration? [Will not be restored after deletion]"},

{">> 请选择点击要领取的奖品!",">> Please select the prize you want to receive!"},
{">> 领取成功,奖品已送入你的背包!",">> To receive success, prizes have been sent to your bag!"},

{"* 你发送的文字过少或过多[1-100个英文字符或1-50个中文字符]","* You send too little or too many words [1-100 English characters or 1-50 Chinese characters]"},
{"%s {FFFFFF}说:%s","%s {FFFFFF}Say:%s"},
{"[无] ","[Null]"},
{"[{00FF80}前厅{FFFFFF}] ","[{00FF80}In Lobby{FFFFFF}]"},
{"[{00FFFF}等候房:%s{FFFFFF}] ","[{00FFFF}In Waiting Room:%s{FFFFFF}]"},
{"[{FF8000}比赛房:%i{FFFFFF}] ","[{FF8000}In Gaming Room:%i{FFFFFF}]"},
{"[{808000}结束中{FFFFFF}] ","[{808000}In Game end{FFFFFF}]"},

{"-> %s%s {FFFFFF}登入了服务器.","~ %s%s {FFFFFF}login the server."},
{"<- %s%s {FFFFFF}离开了服务器.","~ %s%s {FFFFFF}leave the server."},
{"%s%s {00FF80}返回了前厅.","~ %s%s {00FF80}back to lobby."},
{"建议:{33CCFF}把游戏调为最高分辨率,以获取最好的游戏体验!","Suggest{33CC FF} Transfer the game to the highest resolution for the best gaming experience!"},

{"注册成功,请联系服主{FF0000}QQ:842138647{FFFFFF}或Email:{FF 0000}842138647@qq.com{FFFFFF},申请{FFFF00}内测体验码{FFFF FF},然后重新登陆!","Register successfully,please contact Email:{FF0000}842138647@qq.com{FFFFFF},apply for the{FFFF00} beta test code{FFFFFF},and then login again!"},
{"抱歉,输入的体验码错误!","Sorry, the experience code you entered was incorrect"},
{"内测体验码","Closed beta experience code"},
{"\t\t\t"SERVER_HOSTNAME1"\n\n{FFFFFF}请输入内测体验码进入游戏 \n如无体验码,请联系QQ:{FF0000}842138647{FFFFFF}或Email:{FF0 000}842138647@qq.com{FFFFFF}申请","\t\t\t\t"SERVER_H OSTNAME2"\n\n{FFFFFF}Please enter the beta test code to enter the game.\nIf you have no experience code,please contact QQ:{FF0000}842138647{FFFFFF} or Email:{FF0000}842138647@qq.com"},

{"* {FF8040}由于你在比赛房间内长时间挂机[超过3分钟],被系统自动KICK!","*{FF8040}As you hang up in the competition room for a long time [Over 3 minute], the system automatically KICK!"},

{"> %s%s {C0C0C0}跳下了飞机!","> %s%s {C0C0C0}Jumped off the plane!"},

{"你被迫离开服务器,原因:{FF8000}没有安装反作弊登录器{FFFFFF},请到QQ群1232 79967下载并安装登录器","You are forced to leave the server, reason: no anti-cheat patch installed, please go to the QQ group 123279967 download and install the patch"},
{"你被迫离开服务器,原因:{FF8000}非法客户端文件{FFFFFF}","You are forced to leave the server because: Illegal client files"},

{"我的好友","My Friends"},
{"好友名[白色 在线|灰色 离线]\t位置\n","Friend Name\twhite online|gray offline\n"},
{"加好友","Add Friends"},

{"在线玩家","Online Players"},
{"玩家名\t位置\n","Player Name\tLocation\n"},
{"加为好友","Add to friends"},

{"\t{C0C0C0}>>下一页>>\n","\t{C0C0C0}>>Next Page>>\n"},
{"\t{C0C0C0}<<上一页<<\n","\t{C0C0C0}<<Previous Page<<\n"},

{"序列错误,请稍后再试!","Sequence error, please try again later!"},
{"对方已下线!","The other party is offline!"},

{"加好友","add friend"},
{"是否加 %s 为好友?","Whether to add %s friends?"},
{"加为好友","Add to friends"},
{"算了","Forget it"},

{"你和 %s 本来就是好友!","You and %s are already friend!"},
{"%s 申请加你为好友,是否同意?","%s Apply to add you as a friend, agree?"},
{"好友通知","Friends notice"},
{"你加好友的通知已发送给 %s !","Your add friend notification has been sent to %s !"},

{"我的邮件[ %i 封未读][白色 已读|灰色 未读]","My mails[ %i Cover Unread][white online|gray offline]"},

{"打开邮件\n删除邮件\n全部提取附件\n清空邮件箱\n","Open mail\ndelete mail\n all extract attachments\nempty mailbox\n"},

{"邮件来自:%s\n","Mail From:%s\n"},
{"发送时间:%s\n\n","Send Time:%s\n\n"},
{"金币: %i\n","Gold:%i\n"},
{"道具: %s 数量: %i\n","Item: %s Amount: %i\n"},

{"提取附件","Extract attachments"},

{"邮件删除成功!","Mail deleted successfully!"},
{"清空邮件箱成功!","Clear mail box success!"},
{"你的邮件箱里没有邮件!","There is no mail in your mail box!"},

{"对方没有在线!","The other player is not online!"},
{"对方已经是你的好友了!","The other playeris already your friend!"},
{"你的邮箱或对方的邮箱已近满了!","Your mailbox or the other's mailbox is almost full!"},
{"数据异常!","Data is abnormal!"},
{"你同意添加 %s 为好友!","You agree to add %s as a friend!"},
{"添加 %s 为好友成功!","Add %s as a friend successfully!"},

{"邀请好友组队\n删除好友","Invite friends to team up\nDelete Friend"},
{"好友[ %s ]设置","Friend[ %s ]Set"},
{"删除好友成功!","Delete friend success!"},
{"删除好友失败,对方不是你的好友!","Delete friends failed, the other is not your friend!"},

{"金币附件: $%i 提取成功!","Gold attachments: $%i Extraction successful!"},
{"道具附件: %s X%i 提取成功!","Item attachments: %s X%i Extraction successful!"},
{"道具附件: %s X%i 提取失败,背包容量不足!","Item attachments: %s X%i Extraction failed,Backpack capacity is not enough!"},
{"邮件没有附件!","email has no attachments!"},
{"{FF0000}系统邮件{FFFFFF}","{FF0000}System Mail{FFFFFF}"},

{"队伍模式","Team Mode"},
{"当前状态: %s\n创建队伍\n队员列表\n解散/离开队伍","Current status: %s\nCreate team\nTeam members list\nDissolve/Leave team"},
{"你已经有队伍了!","You already have a team!"},
{"你还没有队伍!","You do not have a team yet!"},
{"创建队伍成功!","Create team success!"},
{"离开队伍成功!","Leave team success!"},
{"解散队伍成功!","Dissolve team success!"},
{"创建队伍失败!","Delete team failed!"},
{"添加队友","Add teammates"},
{"队友列表[%i/4]","Teammate list[%i/4]"},
{"你不是队长,没有权利这样做!","You are not a captain and have no right to do so!"},
{"你是队长,请使用解散队伍!","You are captain, please use Dissolve team!"},
{"你把 %s 踢出了你的队伍!","You have %s kicked out of your team!"},
{"该玩家没有在线!","The player is not online!"},
{"请点击好友,选择 邀请好友组队!","Please click on friends, choose to invite friends team!"},

{"该好友没有在线,无法发出邀请邮件!","This friend is not online and can not send an invitation email!"},
{"你的好友 %s 邀请你加入他的队伍","Your friend %s invited you to join his team"},
{"邮件发送成功!","Mail sent successfully!"},
{"邮件发送失败!","Mail delivery failed!"},

{"发送者已下线!","Sender is offline!"},
{"发送者已不在队伍中!","The sender is no longer in the party!"},
{"发送者已不是队伍队长!","The sender is no longer a team captain!"},
{"加入 %s 的队伍成功!","Joined %s's team succeeded!"},

{"你的语速过快,当前第 %i 次,警告 %i 次禁言 10 分钟!","Your speech is too fast, the current %i, warning %i blocked for 10 minutes!"},
{"不要重复说话,当前第 %i 次,警告 %i 次禁言 10 分钟!","Do not repeat the speech, the current %i times, warning %i blocked for 10 minutes!"},

{"{FF80C0}[攻击反馈]{FFFFFF}%s{80FFFF} 的 {00FF80}%s {80FFFF}耐久降为 {FF8000}%0.1f {80FFFF}!","{FF80C0}[Attack feedback]{FFFFFF}%s{80FFFF} {00FF80}%s{80FFFF} durability reduced to {FF8000}%0.1f {80FFFF}!"},
{"{FF80C0}[攻击反馈]{FFFFFF}%s{80FFFF} 的 {00FF80}%s {80FFFF}报废!","{FF80C0}[Attack feedback]{FFFFFF}%s{80FFFF} {00FF80}%s {80FFFF}scrapped!"},

{"反作弊:你因可能使用作弊器瞬移/超速,被KICK","Anti-cheat:You may use the cheat teleport/speeding hack,KICK!"},
{"反作弊:你因可能使用作弊器刷出武器 %s,被KICK","Anti-cheat:You may brush weapons %s out of cheats,KICK!"},
{"反作弊:你因可能使用作弊器超级跳,被KICK","Anti-cheat:You may Super jump cheats,KICK!"},
{"反作弊:你因可能使用作弊器汽车飞天,被KICK","Anti-cheat:You may Flying car cheats,KICK!"},

{"升级奖励","Level Upgrade Rewards"},
{"恭喜你升级到了 %i 级,获得升级奖励金币 %i ,请查收","Congratulations, you upgraded to %i level, get upgrade bonus %i, please check"},

{"表情选择","Expression choice"},
{"表情名称\t{80FF00}金币价格\n","Expression Name\t{80FF00}Gold Price\n"},
{"设置:你没有足够的金币购买这个表情!","Config: You do not have enough gold to buy this expression!"},
{"设置:表情购买更换成功!","Config: The expression to buy a successful replacement!"},

{"请稍等 {FF0000}%i{FFFFFF} 秒后点击!","Please wait for {FF0000}%i{FFFFFF} seconds and click!"},
{"><整点报时:%02i:00","><Report Punctually:%02i:00"},

{"帮助:/c 模型 颜色1 颜色2","Help: /v model color 1 color 2"},
{"暂时不支持这个汽车模型","Temporarily not support this car model"},
{"只能在等待区使用刷车","You can only use the brush car in the waiting area"},
{"刷车成功","Brush the car successfully"},

{"音乐名\t演唱者\n","Music name\tSinger\n"},
{"歌单","Song List"},
{"{FF0080}[音乐]{FFFFFF} 开始收听<歌单第 %i 首>[ %s - %s ],播放模式[ %s ]","{FF0080}[Music]{FFFFFF} Listen to <song list number %i> [ %s - %s], play mode [ %s ]"},
{"{FF0080}[音乐]{FFFFFF} 由于没有下一首歌曲,自动切换到第一首","{FF0080}[Music]{FFFFFF} Since there is no next song, automatically switch to the first song"},
{"{FF0080}[音乐]{FFFFFF} 由于没有上一首歌曲,自动切换到最后一首","{FF0080}[Music]{FFFFFF} Since there is no previous song, automatically switch to the last one"},
{"{FF0080}[音乐]{FFFFFF} 你关闭了音乐播放","{FF0080}[Music]{FFFFFF} You turned off music playback"},
{"{FF0080}[音乐]{FFFFFF} 你已切换播放模式为 %s","{FF0080}[Music]{FFFFFF} You have switched the play mode to %s"},
{"[{FF8000}ESC键{FFFFFF}]关闭鼠标操作","[{FF8000}ESC Key{FFFFFF}]Close mouse operation"},
{"{FF0080}播放器{FFFFFF}帮助:{0080FF} <{FFFFFF} 上一首,{0080FF} >{FFFFFF} 下一首,{0080FF} ||{FFFFFF} 关闭播放器,{0080FF} 形状按钮 {FFFFFF}循环模式","{FF0080}Music Player{FFFFFF} Help:{0080FF} <{FFFFFF} Previous,{0080FF} >{FFFFFF} Next,{0080FF} ||{FFFFFF} Close the player,{0080FF} Shape Button{FFFFFF} loop mode"},

{"{808080}[提示]{FFFFFF}如果觉得卡顿或FPS低,可以 /FPS 开关特效显示","{808080}[Info]{FFFFFF}If you feel Caton or FPS low ,/ FPS switch effects display"},
{"你关闭了特效显示[提高FPS]","You turn off the effects display [increase FPS]"},
{"你开启了特效显示[可能会降低FPS]","You open the special effects display [may lower FPS]"},

{"你进入了你刷的{00FFFF} %s {FFFFFF},{8000FF}8 2{FFFFFF}键可以更改颜色","You enter the brush{00FFFF} %s,{8000FF}8 2{FFFFFF}keys to change the color"},

{"房间ID\t玩家数\n","Room ID\tRoom Player Amount\n"},
{"玩家ID\t玩家名\n","Player ID\tPlayer Name\n"},
{"请选择需要观看的房间","Please select the room you want to watch"},
{"请选择需要观看的玩家","Please select the player you want to watch"},
{"这个房间已经关闭了","This room is closed"},
{"这个房间还没有开始","This room has not started yet"},
{"对方可能已经离开了该房间","The other party may have left the room"},
{"对方还没有跳机,请稍后再试","The other party has not tripped, please try again later"},
{"该功能测试中,目前只有5级以上才能使用","This function test, currently only 5 level or more to use"},

{"请选择汽车模型,鼠标左键前进,右键后退,F键刷出,Y键关闭","Please select the car model,the left mouse button forward,right back,F key brush out, Y key off"},

{"私人比赛房间","Private competition room"},
{"创建私人比赛房间\n加入私人比赛房间[%i间]","Create private competition room\nJoin private competition room[%i]"},
{"等候房ID\t房主\t当前人数\n","Waiting room ID \t homeowner\t current number\n"},
{"等候房列表","Waiting room list"},
{"启动倒计时","Turn on the countdown"},
{"是否启动倒计时,准备开局?","Whether to start the countdown, ready to start?"},
{"再等等","Hold on"},
{"^你进入了房主 %s 的私人等候房,请等待房主开启游戏比赛","^You entered %s's owner private waiting room, waiting for the host to open the game"},
{"^你进入了私人等候房,由于你是房主,{00FFFF}H键{FFFFFF} 开启比赛 {00FFFF}/rkick{FFFFFF} T出房间内成员","^You entered the private waiting room, because you are the homeowner,{00FFFF}H Key{FFFFFF} open game countdown {00FFFF}/rkick{FFFFFF} T out of the room members"},
{"^由于房主 %s 离开了等候房间,房间解散,你被迫返回前厅","As the owner %s left the waiting room, the room was dissolved and you were forced to return to the foyer"},
{"^由于房主 %s 把你T出了等候房间,你被迫返回前厅","^Because owner %s took you out of the waiting room, you were forced to return to the lobby"},
{"用法:/rkick 玩家ID","Usage:/rkick Player ID"},
{"你的等级低于1级,无法创建自己的房间","Your level is below level 3, unable to create your own room"},
{"对方没有在这个房间里","The other party is not in this room"},
{"T %s 出房间成功","T %s out of the room success"},
{"房间最少要2个人才能开始","Room at least 2 people to start"},
{"由于房间内不足2人倒计时停止","Countdown to stop due to less than 2 people in the room"},
{"不能T自己,如需离开请/exit","Can not T myself, if you want to leave /exit"},
{"^房主 %s 开启了倒计时","Host %s turned on countdown"},

{"[此房间内]%s%s{FFFFFF}:%s","[In Waiting Room]%s%s{FFFFFF}:%s"},
{"[此比赛中]%s%s{FFFFFF}:%s","[In Game Room]%s%s{FFFFFF}:%s"},
{"用法:/o 内容","Usage:/o content"},
{"当前状态只能 {FFFF00}/o{FFFFFF} 全服发言或 {FFFF00}/n{FFFFFF} [附近50米发言]","Current status can only speak {FFFF00} /o {FFFFFF} full service or {FFFF00}/n{FFFFFF} [speak 50m]"},
{"用法:/n 内容","Usage:/n content"},
{"[附近 %i 米]%s:%s","[nearby %i meters]%s:%s"},

{"等候房选择","Waiting room choice"},
{"现在有私人比赛等候中,请选择要进入的模式?","There are now private competitions waiting, please choose to enter the mode?"},
{"自动匹配","Match automatically"},
{"私人房间","Private room"},

{"你还没有登录","You are not logged in"},
{"抱歉,{8080FF}/%s{FFFFFF} 指令不存在!","Sorry,{8080FF}/%s{FFFFFF} does not exist!"}
stock ReturnMLStr(Laguage,Type)
new line[512];
case 0:format(line,sizeof(line),"%s",MultiLanguage[Type][_cn]);
case 1:format(line,sizeof(line),"%s",MultiLanguage[Type][_en]);
return line;
new Text:LangMenuText=Text:INVALID_TEXT_DRAW;
LangMenuText = TextDrawCreate(240.000000, 183.000000, "~n~");
TextDrawFont(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(LangMenuText, 0.600000, 10.100055);
TextDrawTextSize(LangMenuText, 400.000000, 10.000000);
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TextDrawUseBox(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(LangMenuText, 0);

LangMenuText = TextDrawCreate(243.000000, 183.000000, "SELECT LANGUAGE");
TextDrawFont(LangMenuText, 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(LangMenuText, 0.395833, 2.050000);
TextDrawTextSize(LangMenuText, 469.500000, 17.000000);
TextDrawSetOutline(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(LangMenuText, 0);
TextDrawAlignment(LangMenuText, 1);
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TextDrawUseBox(LangMenuText, 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(LangMenuText, 0);

/* LangMenuText = TextDrawCreate(240.000000, 225.000000, "~n~");
TextDrawFont(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(LangMenuText, 0.554166, 2.299999);
TextDrawTextSize(LangMenuText, 400.000000, 17.000000);
TextDrawSetOutline(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(LangMenuText, 0);
TextDrawAlignment(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawColor(LangMenuText, -1);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(LangMenuText, 255);
TextDrawBoxColor(LangMenuText, -16777066);
TextDrawUseBox(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(LangMenuText, 0);

LangMenuText = TextDrawCreate(240.000000, 267.000000, "~n~");
TextDrawFont(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(LangMenuText, 0.554166, 2.299999);
TextDrawTextSize(LangMenuText, 400.000000, 17.000000);
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TextDrawSetProportional(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(LangMenuText, 0);

LangMenuText = TextDrawCreate(265.000000, 223.000000, "CHINESE");
TextDrawFont(LangMenuText, 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(LangMenuText, 0.645833, 2.449999);
TextDrawTextSize(LangMenuText, 400.000000, 17.000000);
TextDrawSetOutline(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(LangMenuText, 0);
TextDrawAlignment(LangMenuText, 1);
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TextDrawUseBox(LangMenuText, 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(LangMenuText, 1);

LangMenuText = TextDrawCreate(265.000000, 266.000000, "ENGLISH");
TextDrawFont(LangMenuText, 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(LangMenuText, 0.645833, 2.449999);
TextDrawTextSize(LangMenuText, 400.000000, 17.000000);
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TextDrawUseBox(LangMenuText, 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(LangMenuText, 1);
TextDrawSetSelectable(LangMenuText, 1);
return 1;

new Text:flag_USA[9];
new Text:FLAG_USA;
new Text:flag_China[6];
new Text:FLAG_CHINA;
flag_China[0] = TextDrawCreate(X, Y, "_");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_China[0], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_China[0], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_China[0], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_China[0], 0.500000, 3.899899);
TextDrawColor(flag_China[0], -1);
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TextDrawSetProportional(flag_China[0], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_China[0], 1);
TextDrawUseBox(flag_China[0], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(flag_China[0], -567734017);
TextDrawTextSize(flag_China[0], 33.0, 54.000000);

flag_China[1] = TextDrawCreate(X - 19.0, Y - 2.0, "]");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_China[1], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_China[1], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_China[1], 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_China[1], 0.549999, 2.399899);
TextDrawColor(flag_China[1], -2227969);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_China[1], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_China[1], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_China[1], 0);

flag_China[2] = TextDrawCreate(X - 7.0, Y - 1.0, "]");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_China[2], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_China[2], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_China[2], 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_China[2], 0.160000, 0.699899);
TextDrawColor(flag_China[2], -2227969);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_China[2], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_China[2], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_China[2], 0);

flag_China[3] = TextDrawCreate(X - 7.0, Y + 14.0, "]");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_China[3], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_China[3], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_China[3], 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_China[3], 0.160000, 0.699899);
TextDrawColor(flag_China[3], -2227969);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_China[3], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_China[3], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_China[3], 0);

flag_China[4] = TextDrawCreate(X - 4.0, Y + 4.0, "]");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_China[4], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_China[4], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_China[4], 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_China[4], 0.160000, 0.699899);
TextDrawColor(flag_China[4], -2227969);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_China[4], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_China[4], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_China[4], 0);

flag_China[5] = TextDrawCreate(X - 4.0, Y + 9.0, "]");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_China[5], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_China[5], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_China[5], 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_China[5], 0.160000, 0.699899);
TextDrawColor(flag_China[5], -2227969);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_China[5], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_China[5], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_China[5], 0);

FLAG_CHINA=TextDrawCreate(X, Y, "_");
TextDrawAlignment(FLAG_CHINA, 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(FLAG_CHINA, 0.500000, 3.900000);
TextDrawUseBox(FLAG_CHINA, 1);
TextDrawAlignment(FLAG_CHINA, 2);
TextDrawBoxColor(FLAG_CHINA, 0);
TextDrawTextSize(FLAG_CHINA, 33.0, 54.5);
TextDrawSetSelectable(FLAG_CHINA, 1);
return 1;
stock CreateAmericaFlag(Float:X, Float:Y)
flag_USA[0] = TextDrawCreate(X, Y, "_");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_USA[0], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_USA[0], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_USA[0], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_USA[0], 0.500000, 3.899899);
TextDrawColor(flag_USA[0], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_USA[0], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_USA[0], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_USA[0], 1);
TextDrawUseBox(flag_USA[0], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(flag_USA[0], -1306381057);
TextDrawTextSize(flag_USA[0], 33.0, 54.000000);

flag_USA[1] = TextDrawCreate(X, Y + 3.0, "_");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_USA[1], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_USA[1], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_USA[1], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_USA[1], 0.500000, -0.149900);
TextDrawColor(flag_USA[1], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_USA[1], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_USA[1], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_USA[1], 1);
TextDrawUseBox(flag_USA[1], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(flag_USA[1], -1);
TextDrawTextSize(flag_USA[1], 33.0, 54.000000);

flag_USA[2] = TextDrawCreate(X, Y + 9.0, "_");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_USA[2], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_USA[2], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_USA[2], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_USA[2], 0.500000, -0.149900);
TextDrawColor(flag_USA[2], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_USA[2], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_USA[2], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_USA[2], 1);
TextDrawUseBox(flag_USA[2], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(flag_USA[2], -1);
TextDrawTextSize(flag_USA[2], 33.0, 54.000000);

flag_USA[3] = TextDrawCreate(X, Y + 15.0, "_");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_USA[3], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_USA[3], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_USA[3], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_USA[3], 0.500000, -0.149900);
TextDrawColor(flag_USA[3], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_USA[3], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_USA[3], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_USA[3], 1);
TextDrawUseBox(flag_USA[3], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(flag_USA[3], -1);
TextDrawTextSize(flag_USA[3], 33.0, 54.000000);

flag_USA[4] = TextDrawCreate(X, Y + 21.0, "_");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_USA[4], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_USA[4], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_USA[4], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_USA[4], 0.500000, -0.149900);
TextDrawColor(flag_USA[4], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_USA[4], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_USA[4], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_USA[4], 1);
TextDrawUseBox(flag_USA[4], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(flag_USA[4], -1);
TextDrawTextSize(flag_USA[4], 33.0, 54.000000);

flag_USA[5] = TextDrawCreate(X, Y + 27.0, "_");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_USA[5], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_USA[5], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_USA[5], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_USA[5], 0.500000, -0.149900);
TextDrawColor(flag_USA[5], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_USA[5], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_USA[5], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_USA[5], 1);
TextDrawUseBox(flag_USA[5], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(flag_USA[5], -1);
TextDrawTextSize(flag_USA[5], 33.0, 54.000000);

flag_USA[6] = TextDrawCreate(X, Y + 33.0, "_");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_USA[6], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_USA[6], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_USA[6], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_USA[6], 0.500000, -0.149900);
TextDrawColor(flag_USA[6], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_USA[6], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_USA[6], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_USA[6], 1);
TextDrawUseBox(flag_USA[6], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(flag_USA[6], -1);
TextDrawTextSize(flag_USA[6], 33.0, 54.000000);

flag_USA[7] = TextDrawCreate(X - 16.0, Y, "_");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_USA[7], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_USA[7], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_USA[7], 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_USA[7], 0.500000, 1.799898);
TextDrawColor(flag_USA[7], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_USA[7], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_USA[7], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_USA[7], 1);
TextDrawUseBox(flag_USA[7], 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(flag_USA[7], 5416447);
TextDrawTextSize(flag_USA[7], 33.0, 22.000000);

flag_USA[8] = TextDrawCreate(X - 16.0, Y - 2.0, "]]]]]]~n~]]]]]~n~]]]]]]~n~]]]]]~n~]]]]]]~n~]]]]]~n~]]]]]]~n~]]]]]~n~]]]]]]");
TextDrawAlignment(flag_USA[8], 2);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(flag_USA[8], 255);
TextDrawFont(flag_USA[8], 0);
TextDrawLetterSize(flag_USA[8], 0.129998, 0.250000);
TextDrawColor(flag_USA[8], -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(flag_USA[8], 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(flag_USA[8], 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(flag_USA[8], 0);

FLAG_USA = TextDrawCreate(X, Y, "_");
TextDrawAlignment(FLAG_USA, 2);
TextDrawLetterSize(FLAG_USA, 0.500000, 3.900000);
TextDrawUseBox(FLAG_USA, 1);
TextDrawAlignment(FLAG_USA, 2);
TextDrawBoxColor(FLAG_USA, 0);
TextDrawTextSize(FLAG_USA, 33.0, 54.5);
TextDrawSetSelectable(FLAG_USA, 1);
return 1;

return 1;

return 1;
forex(i,MAX_LANGMENU_DRAWS)TextDrawShowForPlayer(p layerid,LangMenuDraw[i]);
SelectTextDraw(playerid, 0xFF4040AA);
return 1;
forex(i,MAX_LANGMENU_DRAWS)TextDrawHideForPlayer(p layerid,LangMenuDraw[i]);
return 1;
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