Hello there!
Finally I released a system. It's anti car shooter. It won't work 100% but it's useful.
DOWNLOAD PAGE: (.pwn & .amx)
1_ Copy and paste ACS.pwn and ACS.amx in your SAMP Server Directory/filterscripts/
2_ Add a callback in your gamemode called OnACSDetected(playerid) for example:
3_ Done
Finally I released a system. It's anti car shooter. It won't work 100% but it's useful.
DOWNLOAD PAGE: (.pwn & .amx)
1_ Copy and paste ACS.pwn and ACS.amx in your SAMP Server Directory/filterscripts/
2_ Add a callback in your gamemode called OnACSDetected(playerid) for example:
PHP Code:
forward OnACSDetected(playerid);
public OnACSDetected(playerid)
new cheater[50];
new name[25];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
format(cheater, sizeof(cheater), "Player %s is car shooting", name);
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, cheater);
return 1;