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[FilterScript] Garage System & Mask System

A script that I had worked on over Opis Gaming, they never credited me for it so I decided to release it as a way to expose them.

Have fun!

* There are pre-made garages spreaded out across the map (mostly on the original mod garages like Transfender - this excludes San Fierro though)
* Passengers of the vehicle that is inside the garage will be placed in a spectate mode.
* You have to modify /buymask as it is currently usable anywhere.
* pMaskTime is used to determine when player can buy mask, remove it if you wanted to.

I edited it a little bit removing a few stuff, I didn't bothered patching it up or adding new stuffs. If you do have any questions, feel free to ask by posting below or hit me up on PM!






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[FilterScript] JakAdmin | 100+ available commands | SQLITE + YINI | Rich in features


JaKe's Admin System 4.0
Last Updated: January 1, 2018

Difference between JakAdmin4 & JakAdmin3


With this thread being separated from JakAdmin3, there is nothing much changed between those scripts except that the folder for JakAdmin over scriptfiles was renamed instead of having "JakAdmin3" as the folder name it was renamed to "JakAdmin". The include was also renamed from "jadmin3.inc" to "jadmin.inc" please make sure to update the scripts that uses jadmin3.inc!

The .pwn name file for JakAdmin4 was also renamed from jadmin3.pwn to jadmin.pwn

This script is well more optimized than JakAdmin3, VIP System was completely removed from the script making it a standalone admin script once again.

  • SQLite + y_ini
  • Vote Kick System
  • Safe RCON Protection
  • Private Message System
  • Deploying 3D Text Labels
  • Whirlpool Password HAshing
  • Security Question (to recover your account)
  • Tracking (10) last used IP of Player
  • Modifiable Configurations In Game
  • Script Compatibility (jadmin.inc)
  • Admin Ranks can be edited in game.
  • 100+ commands available for players & admins.
  • Improved Ban System (with Temporary Ban support)
  • Built in Anti-Server Advertisement System
  • High Admins are immune from any commands.
  • AFK/Tabbed Players Detection
  • Breach System (list down all IPs who attempted to login to your account)

  • Code:

    Player Commands:
            * /stats                        -        Displays player's statistics. (Level 1+ admins can view other player's statistics)
            * /cpass                        -        Change your account's password.
            * /register                        -        Register your name and make an account.
            * /login                        -        Logins to your account.
            * /report                        -        Reports a player to online administrators.
            * /admins                        -        Lists all online administrators (excluding the hidden ones)
            * /jcredits                        -        Lists all the credits that participated/helped building JakAdmin.
            * /savestat                        -        Saves your statistics (player's choice)
            * /cquestion                        -        Change your account's security question (+ changes the security answer by default)
            * /votekick                        -        Start a vote kick against a player.
            * /yes                                -        Votes YES over a on-going votekick poll.
            * /no                                -        Votes NO over a on-going votekick poll.
            * /givechocolate                -        Gives a chocolate bar to a player.
            * /pm                                -        Sends a private message to a player.
            * /togpm                        -        Enable/Disables from receiving Private Message (+ restricting you from using /pm as well)
            * /id (getid)                        -        Looks for a specific part of name, listing down the player's name if a match has been found.
    Level 1 Admin Commands:
            * /announce                        -        Pops a game text message to everyone.
            * /kick                        -        Kicks a player from the server.
            * /asay                        -        Sends a chat to everyone with an admin prefix before your name.
            * /settime                        -        Sets a player's game time.
            * /setweather                        -        Sets a player's game weather.
            * /goto                        -        Teleport to a player.
            * /ip                                -        Displays player's IP address.
            * /spawn                        -        Respawn a player.
            * /gotoco                        -        Teleport to a specific coordinates (E.G.: /gotoco 0.0,0.0,0.0 - teleports you to Blueberry)
            * /flip                        -        Flips a vehicle. (specify a vehicleID and it will flip that vehicle)
            * /warn                        -        Warns a player.
            * /remwarn                        -        Removes the player's warning (the very recent one)
            * /addnos                        -        Adds a nitrous to player's current vehicle.
            * /repair                        -        Repairs player's current vehicle.
            * /reports                        -        Lists down all in-pending player-reports.
            * /handlereport                -        Handle a in-pending player-report.
            * /denyreport                        -        Close & Deny a in-pending player-report.
            * /endreport                        -        End a player-report that you are currently handling.
            * /reporttalk                        -        Communicate with the reporter of that report.
            * /aduty                        -        Switches from Playing to DUTY on (or vice versa)
            * /weaps                        -        Lists down all the player's weapon.
            * /votekicktime                -        Sets amount of duration before the voting ends.
            * /endvotekick                        -        Ends a current on progress votekick poll.
            * /setwanted                        -        Sets player's wanted level.
            * /setdlevel                        -        Sets player's drunk level.
            * /entercar                        -        Enter inside a vehicle.
            * /saveskin                        -        Save a skinID that later you can use when you spawn.
            * /useskin                        -        To use a saved skin.
            * /checkdamage                        -        Checks the last 5 players who damaged the specific inputted playerID.
            * /tabbed                        -        Lists down all tabbed out players.
            * /afk                                -        Lists down all AFK players.
            * /richlist                        -        Lists down the Top 5 rich players.
            * (/o)aka                        -        Checks if a player has a very recent record of using other names.
            * /god                                -        Makes you invulnerable from damages unless turned off or admin-killed.
            * /hideme                        -        Hides yourself from the /admins list.
            * /laston                        -        Checks the last time when the player logged in to the server.
            * /ostats                        -        Displays the statistic of a offline player.
    Level 2 Admin Commands:
            * /disarm                        -        Removes all of the weapon that player's possessed.
            * /explode                        -        Deploys a loud explosion to player's position (only visible to them)
            * /setinterior                        -        Change player's interior (default: 0)
            * /setworld                        -        Change player's virtual world (default: 0)
            * /heal                        -        Heals a player.
            * /armour                        -        Gives a full armour to a player.
            * /clearchat                        -        Clears the server-chat.
            * /setskin                        -        Change a player's skin.
            * /mute                        -        Mute a player from talking on the chat.
            * /unmute                        -        Unmute a player from talking on the chat.
            * /akill                        -        Kills a player.
            * /spec                        -        Spectate a player. (/spec off to turn it off)
            * /car                                -        Deploy/Spawn a specific vehicle.
            * /carcolor                        -        Change the vehicle's color.
            * /eject                        -        Remove a player from the vehicle.
            * /setvhealth                        -        Sets vehicle's health.
            * /givecar                        -        Spawn a vehicle for a player.
            * /muted                        -        Lists all the players that is /mute'd.
            * /jailed                        -        Lists all the players that is /jail'd.
            * /jail                                -        Puts a player into a jail cell for a specific amount of time.
            * /unjail                        -        Release a player off the jail cell.
            * /aweapons                        -        Spawn admin-weapons.
            * /jetpack                        -        Deploys a /jetpack. (You can also give jetpack to players if you put their ID)
            * /carpjob                        -        Change the vehicle's paintjob.
            * /addlabel                        -        Create a 3D Text Label.
            * /destroylabel                -        Destroy a 3D Text Label.
            * /gotolabel                        -        Teleport to a 3D Text Label.
            * /radiusrespawn                -        Respawn a vehicle within a specific radius.
            * /respawncar                        -        Respawn a specific vehicle.
            * /ips                                -        List down the last 10 used IPs of a player.
            * /checkbreach                        -        List down the last 10 IPs that attempted to login to a player's account.
            * /cage                                -          Deploys a cage around the player (only visible to them)
            * /uncage                        -        Removes a player from the cage.
            * /caged                        -        Lists down all the player that is in the cage.
    Level 3 Admin Commands:
            * /setmoney                        -        Set a player's money.
            * /setscore                        -        Set a player's score.
            * /setcolor                        -        Set player's color name.
            * /slap                        -        Slap a player.
            * /cname                        -        Change a player's name (changing the account's name in general)
            * /banip                        -        Bans a player IP.
            * /unbanip                        -        Unbans a player IP.
            * /giveweapon                        -        Gives a player weapon to a player.
            * /freeze                        -        Freeze a player from moving.
            * /unfreeze                        -        Unfreeze a player.
            * /getall                        -        Teleports all the player to your location.
            * /bankrupt                        -        Resets a player's money to zero.               
            * /teleplayer                        -        Teleports a player to another player.
            * /destroycar                        -        Destroys the player-spawned /car.
            * /sethealth                        -        Set player's health.
            * /setfstyle                        -        Set player's fighting style.
            * /healall                        -        Heals all players.
            * /armourall                        -        Gives armour to all players.
            * /force                        -        Forces a player back to class selection.
            * /write                        -        Write a message, sending it to the chat.
            * /get                                -        Teleport a player to your position.
            * /oban                                -        Issues a offline ban to a offline player.
            * /forbidword                        -        Adds a word that is forbidden (auto-censored when AntiSwear is ON)
            * /crash                        -        Crashes a player's game.
            * /setvotekicklimit                -        Set an amount of required votes before a player can get kicked from votekick poll.
            * /hidemarker                        -        Hides player's marker (blip).
            * /setchocolate                        -        Set a player's chocolate bar.
            * /checkban                        -        Checks if a player is banned.
            * /jconfig                        -        Displays all the current configuration settings of JakAdmin.
    Level 4 Admin Commands:
            * /saveallstats                -        Save all player's statistics.
            * /cleardwindow                -        Clear the death window.
            * /respawncars                        -        Respawn all unoccupied vehicles.
            * /setallweather                -        Sets all player's weather.
            * /setalltime                        -        Sets all player's time.
            * /giveallweapon                -        Give all player a weapon.
            * /giveallcash                        -        Give all player a cash.
            * /giveallscore                -        Give all player a score.
            * /kickall                        -        Kicks all player from the server.
            * /disarmall                        -        Remove all player's weapon.
            * /mutecmd                        -        Mute a player from using command.
            * /unmutecmd                        -        Unmute a player from using command.
            * /setallskin                        -        Sets all player's skin.
            * /fakedeath                        -        Sends out a fake death window displaying that a player killed another player.
            * /cmdmuted                        -        Lists down all player that is muted from using command.
            * /lockchat                        -        Enables/Disables the chat.
            * /gmx                                -        Restarts the server.
            * /setonline                        -        Sets the player's total online time.
            * /jsettings                        -        Change the configuration of JakAdmin
            * /setpass                        -        Set a player's account password.
            * /giveallchocolate                -        Gives all players a chocolate.
            * /reloadcfg                        -        Reload the configuration files of JakAdmin.
    Level 5 Admin Commands:
            * /setlevel                        -        Promotes/demotes a player to a specific admin level.
            * /settemplevel                        -        Temporarily promotes/demotes a player to a specific admin level.
            * /fakechat                        -        Sends out a fake chat under a player's name.
            * /fakecmd                        -        Execute a command using a player.
            * /removeacc                        -        Remove a player account.
            * /makemegodadmin                -        Instantly promotes yourself to level 5 admin (only usable by RCONs)
            * /createaccount                -        Create a player account.
            * /setaccount                        -        Change a player's account statistic.
            * /rcons                        -        Lists down all players that is currently logged in to RCON.

Admin Panel

Double click a player's name to pop the admin-panel dialog, this serves a quick process/way to execute an action to a player. Player's can also use dialog to report a player.

config.ini (/jsettings)

config.ini that can be found inside the JakAdmin folder - You can modify those values in game.
  • Code:

    RegisterOptional                -        Makes the registration optional (0 =  Disable, 1 = Enable)       
    SaveLog                        -        Save log files over the Log Folder inside JakAdmin folder (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable)
    LoginWarn                        -        Amount of warnings before player gets kicked for having too many attempts to login to their account.
    SecureWarn                        -        Amount of warnings before player gets kicked for having too many attempts on answering security question.
    AutoLogin                        -        Automatically logs in players when they connect. (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable)
    ReadCmds                        -        Read Command Mode (1 = Spectate Mode, you can only read used commands from the player that you spectate, 2 = Normal Mode, you can read everyones used commands)
    ReadCmd                                -        Read player's used commands (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable)
    MaxPing                                -        The maximum ping that is allowed in the server (0 = Disable)
    AntiSwear                        -        Censor words that is in the ForbiddenWords.cfg (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable)
    AntiName                        -        Kicks players that uses the name that is listed in ForbiddenNames.cfg (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable)
    AntiAd                                -        Alerts administrators when someone types an IP address. (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable)
    AntiSpam                        -        Temporarily blocks player from executing commands/talking in the chat to prevent spam. (0 = Disable, 1 = Enabel)
    TabTime                        -        The maximum amount of time when player is tabbed, exceeding this amount of time will kick the player. (0 = Disable)
    AFKTime                        -        The maximum amount of time when player is idle/AFK, exceeding this amount of time will kick the player. (0 = Disable)
    ReadPMs                        -        Read player's private messages (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable)
    LockChat                        -        Opens/Locks the chat in general (0 = Open, 1 = Close)
    JoinMsg                        -        Sends out a message to everyone that a player has joined/left the server. (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable)
    AdminRank1                        -        Admin Rank #1 name
    AdminRank2                        -        Admin Rank #2 name
    AdminRank3                        -        Admin Rank #3 name
    AdminRank4                        -        Admin Rank #4 name
    AdminRank5                        -        Admin Rank #5 name


Configuration that you can edit in the script, Default Values:
  • Code:

    // Starting score for registered player.
    #define                STARTING_SCORE                  1
    // Starting cash for registered player.
    #define                STARTING_CASH                  10000
    // Max warnings for attempting to logged in RCON.
    #define                MAX_RCON_WARNINGS              3
    // Time Limit before you can send another message
    #define                SPAM_TIMELIMIT                        2          // In seconds
    // Maximum Notes an admin can drop to a specific player.
    #define                MAX_NOTES                      3
    // Maximum Deployable Labels
    #define                MAX_DEPLOYABLE_LABEL            30
    // Enables DIALOG in register/login/stats/everything, remove or comment otherwise to make it client-server message.
    #define                        USE_DIALOG
    // Enables the 2nd RCON protection, remove or comment otherwise to disable.
    #define                USE_RCON_PROTECTION
    // Password for the 2nd RCON
    #define                RCON_PASSWORD                      "changeme"
    // Enables the AKA system, remove or comment otherwise to disable.
    #define                        USE_AKA
    // Enables the command printing/logging on the server console, remove or comment to disable.
    #define                        PRINT_CMD

Making Yourself A Level 5 Admin
  1. Connect to the server, register & login.
  2. Login to RCON. (/rcon login [rcon_password])
  3. If the SAFE RCON PROTECTION is enabled, the default password for it is "changeme", type it over the popped-up dialog.
  4. Type /makemegodadmin.

  1. Download the script
  2. Copy and paste the folders to their respective file destination (Choose the "COPY AND REPLACE" option)
  3. Open up the server.cfg and edit the following:
    • Add jadmin next to the filterscript
    • Add these next to plugins "streamer sscanf whirlpool" (without the quotes)
    • If you are using Linux, put a .so at the end of each plugin's name when putting them on server.cfg.
  4. Final Result of server.cfg (filterscript & plugins)

    For Windows

    filterscripts jadmin
    plugins streamer sscanf whirlpool

    For Linux


    filterscripts jadmin
    plugins streamer.so sscanf.so whirlpool.so

Script Compability

If you are planning to use JakAdmin4 as your admin system, you can link your script to JakAdmin4 without porting the whole admin system to your gamemode. Just simply use the jadmin3.inc, These are the following functions that you can use on jadmin3.inc


native SetPlayerGameTime(playerid, hour, minute, second);
native GetPlayerGameTime(playerid, &hour, &minute, &second);
native SetPlayerChocolate(playerid, amount);
native GetPlayerChocolate(playerid);
native CheckLogin(playerid);
native SetPlayerLogged(playerid, toggle);
native SavePlayer(playerid);
native CheckAdmin(playerid);
native SetPlayerAdmin(playerid, level);
native CheckPlayerMute(playerid);
native CheckPlayerMuteSecond(playerid);
native CheckPlayerCMute(playerid);
native CheckPlayerCMuteSecond(playerid);
native SetPlayerMute(playerid, toggle);
native SetPlayerMuteSecond(playerid, seconds);
native SetPlayerCMuteSecond(playerid, seconds);
native CheckPlayerJail(playerid);
native CheckPlayerJailSecond(playerid);
native SetPlayerJail(playerid, toggle);
native SetPlayerJailSecond(playerid, seconds);
native CheckAccountID(playerid);
native CheckPlayerWarn(playerid);
native SetPlayerWarn(playerid, warn);
native CheckPlayerKills(playerid);
native SetPlayerKill(playerid, kill);
native CheckPlayerDeaths(playerid);
native SetPlayerDeath(playerid, death);
native IsPlayerIdle(playerid);
native IsPlayerTabbed(playerid);

You can also use/detect if a player has sent a Private Message to another player using


public OnPlayerPrivMessage(playerid, id, text[])
How do I use jadmin3.inc?
  • How to create an admin command?
    • You can create an admin command by using the CheckAdmin Function, below illustrate on how to use it.
      PHP Code:

      LoginCheck(playerid); // Check if a player is logged in.
      LevelCheck(playerid1); //Level 1 admin, Change 1 to anything you want (1 to 5).
          //Place your script code here.
      return 1;

Special Thanks To
  • Jake Hero - coding/scripting JakAdmin4
  • Zeex - zcmd
  • Y_Less - sscanf/YSI/whirlpool
  • Lordzy - Safe RCON Protection
  • denNorske - Providing a temporary server-host
  • Stinged - RCON Command technique
  • Emmet_ - easyDialog


Milica, NotDunn, Kizuna, YaBoiJeff (Sean), Pavintharan, denNorske, Uberanwar
Ranveer, Harvey, Ultraz Samp_India, Ashirwad, Sonic, Adham, MaxFranky


Changes since 3.5 of JakAdmin
  • version 4.0
    • Script Optimization.
    • Updated jadmin.inc (renamed from jadmin3)
    • Ban System tweaked:
      • Offline Banning now bans the IP.
      • Added a Temporary Ban System (no effects on prev-ban database)
      • Added a command to check if a player is banned. (/checkban)
      • Added a command to ban/unban an IP. (/(un)banip)
    • Security Checks on User Account.
      • Prints out a log at the server console whenever a player fails to login/answer the security question.
      • Lists last 10 IPs who tries to breach into the user's account. (/checkbreach)
    • Level 5 admins:
      • Ability to create a user account without logging out. (/createaccount)
      • Ability to remove a user account. (/removeaccount)
      • Full control on offline user's account (/setaccount)
    • Server will now automatically kick tabbed out/idle players (/jsettings to disable)
      • Ability to list down tabbed players. (/tabbed)
      • Ability to list down AFK players. (/afk)
      • Updated jadmin, adding idle/tabbed checks (IsPlayerTabbed & IsPlayerIdle)
    • Removal of the Note System.
    • Removal of the Mega Jump System.
    • Removal of a few commands that is prone to being abused.
    • Added LastOn over the user's data.
      • Added /laston command.
    • Re-added back the Lock Chat system. (/lockchat)
    • Higher Admins are now immune from being included on Over-All commands such as /setallskin etc.
    • Added /rcons for Level 5+
    • Re-added back /hideme.
    • Added label for Admins.
    • Added Join/Leave messages (/jsettings)
    • /god is now a Level 1 admin command.
    • Switched from dini to y_ini.
    • Changed the color embedding theme from Orange to Green.
    • You can now permanently mute players without setting a time.
    • You can check the last 5 people who injured the player.
    • Added the /richlist command.
    • Brought back the private message system.
    • Added an option to make /stats into dialog or server-client message. (See USE_DIALOG)
    • Converted the whole dialog script to Emmet's easyDialog.
    • Added the Also-Known-As system. (See USE_AKA)
    • Tweaked the Anti-Spam (+ now includes Command Spams)
    • Admin's Status is now displayed on /stats.
    • Fixed Advanced/Reverse Spectating.
    • Added a command to check an offline statistics (/ostats)
    • Client-Messages & Color re-tweaked (+ including grammar fixes).
    • You can now cage players as a punishment! (Level 2+ admins)
    • Fixed on /register. (crashes the server if the oldname PVar is null)
    • Enables to print out all the players typed command on the server console (See PRINT_CMD)
    • You are now required to use commas when placing coordinates on /gotoco.
    • Control over the RCON Panel (promoting/demoting someone without going IG, etc.)
    • Removal of the High-Ping Warning, player gets instantly kicked now for having a high ping.
    • Removal of the VIP system, making JakAdmin a standalone script once again.


I am accepting mirror link just incase if the official link expires!

[FilterScript] Easy Attach: Simplifying Player and Vehicle Attachments.

Easy Attach
by Primes
Release date: 01/01/2018
Last Updated: 31/12/2017
Version: 1.0

I have been working a lot on attaching Objects onto Vehicles and Player lately for my server and find that getting the correct Offsets for attaching is one of the most difficult task that I find, and on a little research, found most of the others do too.
So, Here I am bringing out my first release as a savior for all those Coders having trouble in getting Offsets (no more worries about Offsets).

With the help of this FilterScript, you can easily set the position of the object just by pressing two keys and export the project to get ready made code right at your fingertips. No more need to worry about complex floating point numbers.

Note: You need to be logged in as RCON Admin so as the commands to work.
There are only two easy commands:
/ea => Start Easy Attaching
/v <model> => Spawn a vehicle of provided model id (This command was made just in case this FS is standalone and you need a vehicle to Attach objects to)

Installation Instructions:
1. Paste the two files in the filterscripts folder to the filterscripts folder in your server directory.

2. Paste the includes in pawno\include to your server folder's pawno\include, incase you might be missing any required include.

3. Paste sscanf.dll and Whirlpool.dll to your plugins folder if you are running on a Windows OS.
Else, Paste sscanf.so and Whirlpool.so to your plugins folder in you are running on a Linux OS.
(Create the folder manually if it does not exist already)

4. Write down "EasyAttach" (without the quotes) to the filterscripts line in your server.cfg.

5. Write down "Whirlpool" and "sscanf" (without the quotes) to the plugins line in your server.cfg if you are running on a Windows OS.
Else, Write down "Whirlpool.so" and "sscanf.so" (without the quotes) to the plugins line in your server.cfg if you are running on a Linux OS.
(Add the line manually if it does not exist already)

You are good to go now.

Q. Its not working, what to do?
A. Try unloading all your FilterScripts and use it on a blank Game mode. This is because the dialog ids may clash with dialogs in other FilterScripts and may cause it to fail.

Q. Its still not working... >:(
A. You must be logged in as a rcon administrator for the script to work.

Q. I don't see any file exported
A. WTF :confused: it was supposed to create a file in the scriptfiles folder :(

Heres one beast I made with the help of this script:

All files are present in the package.
sscanf2 Thanks to Lord Y_Less
zcmd Thanks to Zeex
Whirlpool Thanks to Lord Y_Less
sscanf2 Thanks to Lord Y_Less

Download - Easy Attach 1.0
Pastebin - Easy Attach 1.0

I am a newbie to scripting and this is also my very first release. So, do not expect a neat, highly optimized, bug free script. Instead of discouraging me please entrust me with some tips on how I can optimize or make my code more efficient or suggest me a new addition to this.

And yeah, Happy New Year y'all

[FilterScript] Anti Crasher for SA:MP 0.3.7 R2

Hello friends!

A friend asked me to put my anti-crasher in the forum...

This anti crasher will protect your server from two types of crashers that they use cheaters:

1: Bullet crasher
2: Bad vehicle crasher (Invalid Seat)

The author is me.

If something is not clear, contact me on skype dima.shift or write in the comment!

The first script requires the pawn.RakNet plugin:

#include <a_samp>
#include <Pawn.RakNet>

#define BulletCrasher -5.5
#define red 0xFF0000FF
#define eight 8
#define two 2
#define NULL 0
#define PASSENGER_SYNC  211
#define VEHICLE_SYNC  200
#define PLAYER_SYNC 207

//Anti Crasher 0.3.7 R2 by [MD]_Shift | skype: dima.shift |
public OnIncomingPacket(playerid, packetid, BitStream:bs){
        switch(packetid) {
        case VEHICLE_SYNC:{
                        new inCarData[PR_InCarSync];
                        BS_IgnoreBits(bs, eight);
                        BS_ReadInCarSync(bs, inCarData);
                        if inCarData[PR_position][two] == BulletCrasher *then {
                                new string[MAX_CHATBUBBLE_LENGTH];
                                format(string,sizeof(string),"[Anti-CrasherHack]: {FFFF00}%s {999999}|ID:%d| {00FF00}auto-kick {FF0000}[Motivo: BulletCrasher]",GetName(playerid),playerid);
                                return false;
        case PLAYER_SYNC:{
                        new onFootData[PR_OnFootSync];
                        BS_ReadOnFootSync(bs, onFootData);
                        if onFootData[PR_position][two] == BulletCrasher *then {
                                new string[MAX_CHATBUBBLE_LENGTH];
                                format(string,sizeof(string),"[Anti-CrasherHack]: {FFFF00}%s {999999}|ID:%d| {00FF00}auto-kick {FF0000}[Motivo: BulletCrasher]",GetName(playerid),playerid);
                                return false;
        case PASSENGER_SYNC:{
                        new passengerData[PR_PassengerSync];
                        BS_IgnoreBits(bs, eight);
                        BS_ReadPassengerSync(bs, passengerData);
                        if GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == NULL *then {
                                new string[MAX_CHATBUBBLE_LENGTH];
                                format(string,sizeof(string),"[Anti-CrasherHack]: {FFFF00}%s {999999}|ID:%d| {00FF00}auto-kick {FF0000}[Motivo: BadVehicleCrasher]",GetName(playerid),playerid);
                                return false;
                        if passengerData[PR_position][two] == BulletCrasher *then {
                                new string[MAX_CHATBUBBLE_LENGTH];
                                format(string,sizeof(string),"[Anti-CrasherHack]: {FFFF00}%s {999999}|ID:%d| {00FF00}auto-kick {FF0000}[Motivo: BulletCrasher]",GetName(playerid),playerid);
                                return false;

        return true;

stock GetName(playerid)
        new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
        return Name;


For the second script there is no need for a plugin or something, just put the script in filterscripts and activate it in server.cfg:

#include <a_samp>
#define BulletCrasher -5.5
#define InvalidSeat1 -1000000.0
#define InvalidSeat2 1000000.0
#define red 0xFF0000FF

//Anti Crasher 0.3.7 R2 by [MD]_Shift | skype: dima.shift |

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid){
        new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
        if Z == BulletCrasher || !(InvalidSeat1 <= Z <= InvalidSeat2) *then {
                new tipcrasher[20];
                if Z == BulletCrasher *then tipcrasher="BulletCrasher";
                new string[MAX_CHATBUBBLE_LENGTH];
                format(string,sizeof(string),"[Anti-CrasherHack]: {FFFF00}%s {999999}|ID:%d| {00FF00}auto-kick {FF0000}[Motivo: %s]",GetName(playerid),playerid,tipcrasher);
                return false;
        return true;

stock GetName(playerid)
        new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
        return Name;


[FilterScript] cVIP - Vip system by keys

Hello friends of samp, today I bring to you a Filterscript specially created for you forum.
The system uses Dof2, Sscanf, and pawn.cmd. Lets go to what matters:


→ The FS is a VIP system by KEYS and LEVELS DAYS,
the VIP is automatically removed by completing the days contained in each key.
Available levels:


• VIP Gold          // Level 3
• VIP Silver          // Level 2
• VIP Bronze        // Level 1

P: But how about Keys ?

R: keys is a less laborious method of selling VIP, for example,
you have your server and you do not have much time to log in, you can move the key
by some form of contact and the player himself activates his VIP using this Key.


→ The FS uses:

• 12 CommandsVIP

→ To access the commands use: /commandsvip

• 2 commands PLAYER



• 5 commands ADMIN



→ To create a new key use the /createkey command remembering that each key can have a different vip level.
→ To remove an existing key use /removekey
→ To directly vip a player use /darvip
→ To remove a vip from a player use /removervip
→ The /respawn command destroys all cars created by VIPs.


→ Remembering that this version uses dof2 as a save, then we must create the folders before connecting:
→ Within Scriptfiles create the folder;


→ And inside the folder cVIP create two more:


→ The complete download already contains the folders


→ Cleyson Stein by script
→ Creators of includes dof2, sscanf, and pawn.cmd



[FilterScript] Anti-Flood (Packet was modified, sent by id)

Hello friends!

Today, I want to show you a simple script that will protect your server of cheats, which modifies the packet, and will make a flood in server_log.txt!

[18:40:36] Packet was modified, sent by id: 2, ip:
[18:40:36] Packet was modified, sent by id: 2, ip:
[18:40:37] Packet was modified, sent by id: 2, ip:
[18:40:37] Packet was modified, sent by id: 2, ip:

We will need a raknet plugin,put the script in the filterscripts file and activate it in server.cfg
The author is me.


#include <a_samp>
#include <Pawn.RakNet>

//Anti - Packet Modified by [MD]_Shift | skype: dima.shift |

IPacket:ID_MODIFIED_PACKET(playerid, BitStream:bs)
                new string[MAX_CHATBUBBLE_LENGTH],name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
                GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
                format(string,sizeof(string),"{FF0000}[Anti-PacketModified]: {FFFF00}%s {999999}(ID:%d) {00FF00}auto-kicked {FF0000}[Reason: Packet was modified]", name,playerid);
                SendClientMessageToAll(-1, string);
                return true;


[FilterScript] Auto : Textdraw Messages

Server Textdraw Messages

Change your textdraw time



new Textdraws[][] =
    "~p~Server Info: ~w~Your Messages 1",
    "~p~Server Info: ~w~Your Messages 2",
    "~p~Server Info: ~w~Your Messages 3",
    "~p~Server Info: ~w~Your Messages 4",
    "~p~Server Info: ~w~Your Messages 5"


im not claim as mine,just learned from


Attached Files
File Type: rar ERandomTextdraw.rar (1.6 KB)

[FilterScript] zSave - Save Data in any custom format

- zSave v1.0 by NaS -

What does it do?

Are you tired of spamming /save a hundred times for a bunch of spawns and copy out the coords one by one afterwards?
Or do you want to save a lot more data than just positions, CreateVehicle lines etc.?
Then take a look at this! It will certainly make your life easier.

This Filterscript lets you save your current position/rotation/velocity/camera position and more, in any format you can define yourself.

Instead of copying around line for line from savedpositions.txt into your script, you can just create a new format type and select an output file to write to.
After that you can simply use /z to save the current state.

I created this a longer time ago but thought it might be useful for someone.
The /z command isn't done super efficient but it works perfectly fine.

Advantages over /Save:

- Fast - Adding a new Format Type as well as the saving process is a lot faster than extracting x, y, z out of the AddPlayerClass line or writing a FS to do the job for you.
- Dynamic and easy - You can quickly add or edit any desired output format and also switch between formats instantly.

The only thing /Save is better at is, that the output is saved client-side. In this case it is only saved in the scriptfiles directory of the server.


Assume you have an Array for Random Spawns, and each entry consists of the position, the facing angle and the name for the Spawn.

To save the data in this format (including array brackets and the comma), you can add a new format type:


{&x, &y, &z, &rz, "&c"},
After that you can type "/z Four Dragons Casino" and the following will get appended to the selected file.


{2033.4517, 1009.9388, 10.8203, 190.0721, "Four Dragons Casino"},
After saving a couple of locations you can then copy the whole array into your script in one piece - and done!
No need to waste time copying around coordinates.

This is just a very simple example. A more complex example would be


{&s, &x, &y, &z, &rz, &cpx, &cpy, &cpz, &cvx, &cvy, &cvz, "&c"},
which saves the current Skin ID, Position, Facing Angle, Camera Position, Camera Vector and the Name.
This can be used to save an Array of Class Selection Positions - instead of copying around coords for Player Position, Camera Position and Camera Look At you can just use /z.

Each of these Format Types can be added and managed ingame.


Here are some screenshots of the dialogs and how to add a new format type, select a file and save a position.


After that the selected file contained the following line:


Originally Posted by random_spawns.txt
{1958.347290, 1342.999023, 15.374607, 270.339508, "High Roller"},


/zfile (filename) - Selects a File to write to. Leave empty to view the currently selected file (per-player).
Default: "zsave_default_output.txt" (see define FILE_DEFAULT_OUTPUT).

/zformat (id) - Opens the Format Type Dialog. Here you can select the current Format Type, edit existing types or add new ones (per-player). Optional: specify an ID to quick-select a format type.

/z (comment) - Saves your current State. The comment can be used as specifier (optional).
Requires at least /zformat to select a format type first.

Download & Installation:

You can download the FilterScript from GitHUB:


Download zsave.pwn and place it into your filterscipts folder.

After that add it to the filterscripts line in your server.cfg and start up your server (or load it via RCON).

ColAndreas Support:

If you are running ColAndreas, you can enable it by setting the define ENABLE_CA to true. This will enable &gx, &gy, &gz as well as the &grx, &gry and &grz specifiers which allow saving the current terrain height and angle.

It is disabled by default.

Granting Permissions by PVar:

To be able to use any of the zSave Features you must be logged into RCON and/or enable the PVar Admin Level.

To enable the PVar Admin Level, your game mode or admin script must use PVars to save Admin Levels for Players.
If it does, set the define USE_ADMIN_PVAR to true, adjust ADMIN_PVAR_NAME to the Name of your Level PVar (eg. "AdminLevel") and finally adjust ADMIN_PVAR_LEVEL to the minimum required level.

Restricting file output to a specific folder:

To disallow esacping a specified directory, you can set the define LOCK_TO_FOLDER to true and set LOCK_PATH to the desired path. This will prevent users from escaping the selected directory using /zfile

Suggestions for new Specifiers:

If you have more ideas for useful specifiers, just suggest them here. I'll gladly add them!


- ColAndreas

[FilterScript] Drone System [v1.0]


This is a fairly simple script I made which allows you to control a drone. You are able to detonate the drone while you are flying it. I've made sure you can't bug the script by doing numerous checks if the player's alive or not and by removing the drone upon death. This doesn't mean there won't be bugs! Use it at your own risk.

Perhaps a modified version of this could be used on a roleplay server in some sort of military or police faction.

You can find the script here. You need to have ZCmd and Sscanf in order for it to work.

[FilterScript] Godmode System with Textdraw

[FilterScript] GodMode System with Textdraw


Suitable for Stunt , Race& Freeroam server


CMD:god(playerid) {
Download Link

|-| ======= Filterscript Name ======= |-|| = Download = |
[FilterScript]GodMode System with Textdraw
Click here

[FilterScript] Fusez's Map Editor (Version 3) [Dynamic Categories] [Improved] [Best of Version 1&2 Combined]


(Download Links + How-To @ the end of the post)

This thread contains version 3 of the map editor.
Version 1 can be found here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showpost.php?p=3316027
Version 2 can be found here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showpost.php?p=3789899

  • Objects + Colors, Texture and Text Support.
  • Vehicles + Fast & Easy Tuning.
  • Pickups
  • Actors + Animations.
  • Player Attachments
  • Categories for Models, Vehicles, Skins and Textures.
  • Toolbar Instant access to a wide array of useful options.
  • Offset Editor Edit the offset of attached objects easily with keys.
  • Map File Management Wipe, Load & Save your maps.
  • Ingame Help Menu Contains credits, keystrokes and information about the script.
  • Category Manager Edit categories and their content.
  • Edit Marker A yellow arrow indicating which item is being edited.
What's New?
  • Edit Marker
  • Simplified Texturing, Texting & Coloring Objects
  • Categories + Category Manager
  • New Browser Design
  • Toolbar with More Options
  • Huge amounts of minor tweaks

Screenshots: Photo Album
If you want your map to be featured here, PM me some screenshots of your map. If it's good enough and created using this map editor it will be added along with your name.

The map shown in the pictures above is included in the map editor package.

How To:
Download everything required, download links can be found further down this post.

How to Compile:
  • Extract mapedit.pwn to your filterscripts folder.
  • Extract the folder mapedit and its' content to your filterscripts folder.
  • Extract strlib.inc to your pawno/includes folder.
  • Extract sscanf2.inc to your pawno/includes folder.
  • Compile the code using pawno.
  • If the compilation was successful you should have the file mapedit.amx in your filterscripts folder now.
  • Extract mapedit.amx to your filterscripts folder.
Before Loading:
  • Extract sscanf.dll (windows) / sscanf.so (linux) to your plugins folder.
  • Add sscanf (windows) / sscanf.so (linux) to your plugins line in your server.cfg file.
  • Create a folder in your scriptfiles folder and name the new folder maps.
  • Extract mapedit.db from the map editor package to your scriptfiles folder.
  • Extract mapedit_maps.db from the map editor package to your scriptfiles folder.
How to Load:
  • Add mapedit to your server.cfg filterscripts line, then start your server.
  • Type loadfs mapedit in the server console window once opened, then press enter.


[FilterScript] Dealership And Ownership(Dialogs)

What Do You Need?

Commands ?

Thanks for zcmd
, sscanf2,
and dini.

Create folder in scriptfiles called playersvehiclesMedium Costs & Expensive Not Done Yet

If You find Any Bugs or dump please report it cuz im learning

Thanks for reading.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg sa-mp-003.jpg (195.2 KB)
File Type: jpg sa-mp-007.jpg (201.8 KB)
File Type: jpg sa-mp-004.jpg (192.4 KB)
File Type: jpg sa-mp-005.jpg (193.2 KB)
File Type: jpg sa-mp-006.jpg (194.0 KB)

[FilterScript] Dynamic Fire-Bin System by Weponz - Great for Survival Servers!

Dynamic Fire-Bin System by Weponz


100% Dynamic (Create & Delete Fire Bins In-Game)
SQLite Database (Choose to Save/Load from SQLite Database)
Object Code Log (Simply Copy/Paste Object Code into Script)
Choose Output (Choose either CreateObject or CreateDynamicObject)

Database Location: scriptfiles/firebins.db (Automatically Created)
Code Log Location: scriptfiles/firebins.txt (Automatically Created)

Example Video

Download: https://pastebin.com/mY9YXqVR
(Uses Incognito's Streamer Plugin + ZCMD)

[FilterScript] [FS]Furniture System

[Tool/Web/Other] Me Ajudem Pfv

e Simples eu criei um cmd para adms ir ate na outra pessoa mais que fazer Block para ele ir em ADM level Sub Dono é dono


if(strcmp(cmd, "/ir", true) == 0)
if(pAdmin[playerid] > 0)
new plid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;

if(sscanf(cmdtext, "s[4]u", cmd, plid))
SendClientMessage(playerid, Vermelho, "Digite: /ir [id]");
return 1;
GetPlayerPos(plid, X, Y, Z);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, GetPlayerInterior(plid));

SetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), X+2, Y+2, Z);
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, X+2, Y+2, Z);

TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, false);
SetTimerEx("DestogglePlayerControllable", 1000, 0, "d", playerid);
format(string, sizeof(string), "{FFFFFF}O(A) ADM {63B8FF}%s {FFFFFF}[{63B8FF}%d{FFFFFF}] {FFFFFF}foi até sua posição para ajuda-lo(a)!", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), playerid);
SendClientMessage(plid, tcadm, string);
SendClientMessage(playerid, Vermelho, "desculpe, mas este jogador não está conectado.");
return 1;

[FilterScript] willbedie's Laptop System

Laptop System

Hello, i was bored and i came up with a new idea, i haven't seen this before so i decided to create it. This is my first filterscript ever as i never released one because i wasn't interesed so yeah, you can say whatever you want.

First of all, i want to show you some screenshots of the project.


To compile this script and use it, you need some requirements.


How to load this filterscript?

1. Open the filterscript and compile it.
2. Go to your server folder and throw the filterscript into the folder called (filterscripts).
3. Go to server.cfg, and add "laptop" at the line which says filterscripts
4. Join in-game and enjoy.


There are not a lot of commands, i made two commands to load and unload the laptop.

1. /laptop (shows the laptop on the screen).
2. /laptopoff (unloads the laptop).


- Report system

And finally, there comes the download link.


Bugs / Glitches

I didn't find any bugs or glitch, the script was made in less than a hour so if you find one please let me know.


willbedie (me) - Textdraws & Filterscript
adri1 - TDEditor
maddinat0r - sscanf
SA-MP Team - Almost every function.
kar - foreach
Zeex - zcmd

You are free to use / make changes on this filterscript.

Enjoy it :D

[FilterScript] Mechanic System V0.1 BETA

MarkNelson's Mechanic System V0.1 Beta
Well, i was bored today and i made this mechanic system. In addition to that, this mechanic system has commands and features too.

System Commands:
- /tow to tow the vehicle
- /mc [message] to use the mechanics chat
- /mechanic [message] to request a mechanic service
- /mreply [message] to respond to your client's request
- /mechanics to view the list of the available mechanics around the city
- /ljob to leave the mechanic job
- /fix [Player ID] to repair the player's car
- /mechanichelp to view the mechanic cmds list

How it works:
Well, to fix client's cars, you have to be near the client, and that client must be in a vehicle after that type /fix [Player ID] and his car will be fixed. In addition to that, you'll get +$4200 for fixing the client's vehicle and client won't lose money, this system is good for RPG i think or freeroam server. Also, if you die you lose your job and you have to go again to the mechanics center and take that job again.
If you request for mechanic services you will be able to request again after 1 minute to evade the spam
And after requesting for it, mechanics will see your request in their chat and use /mreply [ID] [message] and respound you then the player will get a message like "repound from %s [id] : blablabla"
And the other mechanics will get a notification like "%s has responded to %s. Answer : blablabla"

Includes needed:
- Sscanf2 (Thanks to Y_Less)
- Streamer (Thanks to Incognito)
- Zcmd (Thanks to ZeeX)
- a_samp.inc of course (Thanks to samp team for making samp)

There are no bugs in this system and i fixed all of them.
PS: if you find any bug PM me through the forums or leave a reply here, thank you! :D
There is vehicle restriction which makes the mechanics to drive the tow trucks only.
Sorry guys but i didn't find someone to test /fix and some commands with him. feel free to use it

Attached Files
File Type: pwn mechsystem.pwn (14.5 KB)
File Type: amx mechsystem.amx (27.4 KB)

[FilterScript] Simple PM System

Private Messaging system by MarkNelson(hobo101) including some commands and some features

How it works:
Well, this private messaging system doesn't have /pm only, it has some features like /pm and /re. Also, if you want to PM someone faster you can press on TAB then click on the player's name two times after that a dialog with a blank will appear to you, asking you to put your message into that blank and you have two options "Send" or "Cancel".
Let's talk about the /pm, when you pm someone your message will be colored with orange while when you recieve a message from someone, it will be colored with yellow, and if you want to reply him faster, you can use /re [Message] to reply him faster.

System Commands:
- /pm [playerid] [message] to PM the player
- /re [message] to reply the pm faster and easier
- press on TAB then click on the player's name two times after that a dialog with a blank will appear to you, asking you to put your message into that blank and you have two options "Send" or "Cancel".

There are no bugs, and i already fixed them. If you find any bug, feel free to PM me through the forums


Attached Files
File Type: pwn pmsystem.pwn (4.3 KB)
File Type: amx pmsystem.amx (18.2 KB)

[FilterScript] Vehicle Modding System / Tuning System

Vehicle Tuning System

Hello guys I was just feeling bored these days and thought of making one simple vehicle modding / tuning system, though there are many scripts regarding this I decided to make anyways :)
Also one more thing to mention that this is my first time posting something in sa-mp forums :)
  • /tune
  • /shortcuts
  • /spawncar
How to install:
1. Go to your server folder and copy the filterscript into the filterscripts folder & copy sscanf.dll (windows) in to plugins folder
2. open server.cfg, and add "VehicleMods" on line filterscripts & sscanf on line plugins
3. Enjoy
This Filterscript is used to tune the vehicles temporarily and instantly. Also there are few shortcuts for direct actions to be quick
Till now I didn't see any bugs / gitches. mention below if any found.
Click here
  • Krishhna (me) for Filterscript
  • Zeez for ZCMD
  • maddinat0r for sscanf
  • You are free to use this filterscript, thanks for reading and enjoy it :)

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