Channel: SA-MP Forums - Filterscripts
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[FilterScript] Underground Bunker [Elevator] [Security Doors] [Map Editor V3]

This is a showcase map made to show what my mapeditor is capable of.

I made a teaser thread some time ago and now it's time to release it!

Here's some brief information about the map / script.
  • ~670 objects
  • 15 actors.
  • 2 vehicles.
  • a fully functional elevator
  • steel doors that open and close automatically

To compile and run this script you need to get streamer by Incognito!

[FilterScript] Simple Cuff System FIX

Can someone fix this cuff system FS? Commands are right but when you get cuffed you can still move and play normal.

Attached Files
File Type: rar Simple Cuff System.rar (3.2 KB)

[FilterScript] Mechanic System V0.1 ALPHA (Improved version)

Mechanic System V0.1 ALPHA
Well, i think most of you has noticed the previews release of Mechanis System V0.1 BETA. I know it took me long time to update this system but i was busy with life issues etc. I was inactive and sorry for my inactivity everyone :). Today, i'm back and i've improved the system and added some features into it
Current updates :
*The code is optimized and it will take less RAM from your server (Removed the useless lines into the script) -
Thanks to RogueDrifter for telling me the useless lines and what are my mistakes in the old version.
*Fixed a lot of bugs in the script like the fixing messages bug
*Added /engine command to turn engine ON/OFF
*Added vehicle damage system (When your vehicle health is under 250, your car engine will be broken and turned OFF automaticly and you won't be able to turn engine on untill it gets fixed.
*When you unload the script the Job Vehicles and the 3dtextlabel, the pickup will be removed from the server and when you load the script the Job Vehicles and the 3dtextlabel, the pickup will be spawned
Note:If you spot any bug, PM me as soon as possible and if you have a suggestion leave it here and if i liked it, i'mma add that feature for you in the system. Enjoy :)!
-Remember if you reload the script using RCON the vehicle damage system will be bugged, So you have to shut the server down then run it again.
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/LwcC1Z2d

Attached Files
File Type: pwn mechsystem.pwn (16.8 KB)
File Type: amx mechsystem.amx (29.1 KB)

[FilterScript] Help with fishing system

I tryed to edit this fishing system that i found here, (For personal use) but i could not get it to work, i wan't to change the CP to the locations that i put in the file, also i tryed to put it in a CnR server but the money that you get from selling the fish gets decresed,please help :(

Attached Files
File Type: rar Advance Fishing System [fFish].rar (38.4 KB)

[FilterScript] Kudos House System

Kudos House System

Come again for big fudge?
This is a House System based on BlueG's MySQL for saving. Players can Buy/Sell houses using this system. Houses are managed by House Admins which are chosen by RCON admins.

Why did I waste my time on this?
I did not. I was making a house system for my server and I thought why not share it with people on forums. It took me a few hours making this. This script could save those hours for any other scripter.

Images: https://imgur.com/a/7gzzbg8

  • ZCMD
  • BlueG's MySQL R41-4
  • sscanf2
  • Streamer
  • Zones Include


All the Script Related Help is Provided on the Wiki

How to Setup the Database?
There are 2 Ways:
1> A .sql file is provided inside the download, which you can upload to your databse from PHPMyAdmin.
2>With the download, a .txt file is provided with the table code. If user doesnt wanna upload the file to PHPMyAdmin, he can use that code inside the Filterscript/GM to create the table.

Remember to find these lines and change the MySQL Database Information.
PHP Code:

//============={MySQL Defines}================
#define DB_HOST "localhost"
#define DB_USER "root"
#define DB_NAME "csrp"
#define DB_PASS ""

Any other question, You can ask me here.
I Might added other features like House Vault, Rent System etc in future. Also, You can easily make Key system integrated with this script. Players can give their keys to other players. You can use PVars to do that. I havent added in the script but its not that hard to script.

PHP Code:

#include <a_samp> //SAMP Team
#include <a_mysql> //BlueG - MySQL R41-4
#include <streamer> //streamer - Incognito
#include <sscanf2> //sscanf - Y_LESS, Emmet_ and maddinat0r
#include <zones> //Zones - Cueball
#include <zcmd> //Zeex 

[FilterScript] simpleGasSystem



14/06/2018 0.1.0
    - Launched simpleGasSystem alpha version.


Hello EN board, this is my second script in Pawn, first of all I apologice for my poor english 'cause I'm brazilian. This system is a dynamic Fuel System that you
Administrator can change de price of the fuel in-game. Please see the video to better explanation of the system.



/gasstations - Dialog with the Gas Stations in the map (Sorted by the shortest distance)
/price - Dialog to change the value of the Fuel.
/refuel or 'H' in a Gas Station - Refuel your vehicle.


Video: https://youtu.be/cx3YMe4IGUE

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0AvENN1


Again, i'm so sorry for my english and if you guys can leave comments to help me improve, thanks!




Thanks to creators of zcmd e a_samp.inc.

Textdraw by Bruno13.

Math fuel logic by KylePT.

Credits and system idea belong to Vithinn.

[FilterScript] Realistic Transmission Speedometer

I have created this speedometer for my server but after all i thought to release it.

-Vehicle Name
-Vehicle Model
-Vehicle Health
-Vehicle Fuel
-Vehicle Speed
-Vehicle Gear (7 Gears: P, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, R)


More Pictures
Click here


  ZCMD: Zeex
  foreach: Kar & Y_Less
  SpeedoMeter: CaptainBoi


[FilterScript] Explosive Bullets



As title says EXPLOSIVE BULLTERS, the only weapon support it is M4 but you can edit




SAMP team - for samp
ME - for explosive bullets script
ZEEX - for zcmd

[FilterScript] Discord Chat - Real time chatting ( Discord + In Game)

Discord-Chat v0.1

Hey, I made this filterscript 4 months ago, This is an easy filterscript to make but since there's no filterscript like this. I'm releasing it. Please do not remove the credits :)

Change the #define CHANNEL_ID "Your channel id here" the channel id is the channel which you want the messages to be sent from/appear from. You can get this by enabling the developer mode and right clicking on the channel.

This requires the (Please do read the discord connector topic if you want to make it work.
discord-connector plugin by maddinat0r - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=631562
YSI - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=570884
sscanf - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=602923
zcmd - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=91354

Download: https://www.solidfiles.com/v/2AgGVxYP8rAYx

/dchaton-/dchatoff to toggle the discord chat. /dchat to send messages from ingame to discord.

and Me - Inferno.

Report any bugs that you find.

[FilterScript] Discord Admin Control Panel - Manage players through discord!

Discord - Admin Control Panel v0.1

Hi, I'm back with another discord release lol. This filterscript only consists of "kick, asay, freeze, unfreeze and cmds". I did not add more commands right now because people have trouble with their roles id and they can't get it to work so I scripted only these commands for the release so every level of adminstration can use the commands.

Steps to get it working

Firstly read this topic http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=631562 after that make a channel only for your staff on discord. Place the channel id, bot name, prefix etc in the filterscript and you are good to go.

You must read the discord connector topic!

Discord Connector Plugin - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=631562
sscanf2 plugin
dcc include by Inn0cent - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?p=3981609

cheers! ( 2nd release )

Me - Inferno.

[FilterScript] I search poker system

I need poker system for my lsrp horizon gamemode.. If anyone help me i send to him some gamemodes.
Contact me in discord : #7531

[FilterScript] [LHouse] Fs de casas


- LHouse 2.0 é uma atualização do LHouse(filterscript para criação de casas) esta versão vem repleta de novidades, podendo além de casas, comprar carros e alugar casas. As funções são acessadas através de diálogos que podem ser visto apertando F ou ENTER no ícone de uma casa, incluindo comprar, vender e alugar, você também consegue criar facilmente casas dentro do jogo.

O sistema foi praticamente refeito, foi eliminado todos os bugs encontrados.

O sistema no momento está com 5203 linhas programadas.


/ircasa - Teleporta até uma casa.
/estacionar - Estaciona seu veículo.
/menucarro - Abre o menu do carro (20 metros ou dentro do veículo).
/rebocarcarro - Solicita reboque para o veículo.
/criarcasa - Cria uma casa dentro do jogo.
Y - Tranca/destranca o veículo da casa.


v2.0.0 - 15/03/2012

- Release inicial.

v2.0.1 - 01/05/2012

- Loops foram optimizados com a include foreach.

v2.0.2 - 02/05/2012

- Erros encontrados e corrigidos no sistema de obter o próximo IDs.

v2.0.3 - 25/06/2012

- Corrigido o erro de ficar congelado após fechar o dialogo do menu da casa.

v2.0.5 - 04/07/2013

- Foreach removido
- Alterado a URL de som do alarme do carro ativado, tendo em vista que o último estava offline.
- Corrigido o bug de somente alguns jogadores ouvirem o alarme do veículo
- Corrigido diversos bugs em cobrar aluguel, carregamento de casas, salvamentos, checagens e etc...
- Casas agora serão carregadas ao abrir o server
- Sistema de Logs ataulizado
- Adicionado a include timerfix para melhor precisão nos timers
- A include sscanf foi atualizada
- Download direto
- Changelog alterado

v2.1.0 - 13/07/2013

- Mensagens de alerta da include timerfix agora vem automaticamente desativadas
- Retirado a label do veículo da casa
- Sintaxe do sistema foi completamente re-feita
- Variáveis inúteis foram retiradas
- Optimizações em diversas partes do script
- Agora é possível adicionar um título a casa
- 3DLabels foram re-feitas
- Alterado o modo em que o administrador cria um carro para a casa
- Valor máximo de casas alterado por padrão para 500
- Alterado algumas mensagens in-game
- Textdraws passaram a ser PlayerTextDraw
- Retirada a callback OnPlayerStateChange
- Foram feitas alterações nos logs
- Corrigido o bug ao alterar a placa do veículo
- Corrigido bug quando o administrador altera o dono de uma casa e a casa não tem dono
- Corrigido bug quando o administrador altera o dono da casa e a casa não atualiza
- Corrigido o bug de quando recarregar o filterscript, os carros das casas são duplicados
- Preço do reboque do preço foi abaixado
- Alterado o título do dialog de rebocar o carro
- Removido o bug de quando vai desalugar a casa, mesmo se escolher não desalugar, a casa é desalugada
- Diminuido severamente os valores de células da maioria dos logs
- Corrigido o erro de ter o dialog fechado na hora que um administrador tenta alterar o valor do aluguel de uma casa
- Nova forma para checar jogador desconectado
- Script re-organizado
- Bug de caso o locador esteja online e dentro da casa quando for despejado não ser retirado da casa corrigido
- Função para retornar o ID do locador caso ele esteja online adicionada
- Caso um jogador que receba uma oferta de uma casa desconecte ante de receber a oferta, a oferta será cancelada e o dono avisado
- Criado uma função para criar veículos da casa que foram comprados ao invés de fazer todos em uma unica public
- Criado uma função para alterar as cores dos veículos das casas
- Criado uma função para alterar os modelos dos veículos das casas
- Pequenas alterações foram feitas em alguns comandos
- Corrigido um pequeno bug ao obter o ID do locador de uma casa

v2.1.2 - 25/07/2013

Vídeo mostrando algumas alterações.

- Corrigido um pequeno erro no /estacionar que impossibilitava o dono estacionar o veículo.
- Corrigido algumas strings não formatadas
- Agora é possível selecionar as 2 cores do carro separadamente por IDs
- Agora é possível armazenar coletes na casa (número máximo configurável)
- Menu do carro só pode ser aberto a 20 metros do veículo ou dentro dele
- O sistema de rebocar veículo agora é em comando
- Corrigido algumas keys na hora de escrever no arquivo da casa
- Adicionado algumas verificações quando o jogador vai estacionar o veículo
- Alterado algumas cores das mensagens enviadas ao jogador
- Re-feito o sistema de salvamento, agora os arquivos tem os dados separados por categorias.
- Alterado a altura do veículo quando é criado
- Corrigido o erro do jogador não spawnar na casa quando logar.

ATENÇÃO: Neste update uma nova pasta foi criada. "scriptfiles/LHouse/Armazenamento".

v2.1.2.1 hotfix - 27/07/2013

- O título da casa agora é salvo.

v2.1.4 - 13/10/2013

- Comando casas e gpscasa retirados.
- Checkpoints retirados do script
- Envio de veículos por checkpoints removidos
- Retirado 3 dialogs do script.
- Removido um pequeno erro no sistema de arquivos que dava conflito no sistema de aluguel.

v2.1.7 - 10/07/2014

- Corrigido erro de carros não serem carregados quando se inicia o servidor¹.
- Alterações de algumas variáveis para melhor controle e desempenho do script.
- Jogador quando está definindo o carro da casa e sai do carro, o carro é destruído e o estado do jogador volta ao normal. (O jogador não pega o dinheiro gasto de volta para evitar possíveis glitches²).
- Carros agora também são teleportados ao utilizar /ircasa
- Corrigido valor do carro de ID 475, no dialog estava 19,000 porém estava retirando 25,000 do jogador..
- Carros comprados agora vem com cores randomicas (de 0 até 255) após utilizar comando /estacionar.
- Sistema compilado utilizando includes da versão 0.3z
¹ Obrigado ao Chazika pelo bug report nesse post.
² Glitches são erros de programação em que o usuário pode se aproveitar do erro para se beneficiar ou beneficiar a terceiros.

- Synchr0
- Suyanw
- Hugo
- Vitor
- Saulo
- Bryan

Github: https://github.com/Los/LHouse

[FilterScript] trablon's Basic Bank System (Alpha)


trablon's Bank System
Hello everyone, today i'm here to share my another script.This bank system has a rare feature.Feature is you can send money to players by entering their bank account number.It might not be so unique but it is going to be devoloped.
This script allows you to see how to control player variables.


/openaccount - /bank - /transfer - /deposit - /withdraw
  • [/openaccount] Creating your bank account suddenly.
    [/bank] Viewing your bank acc. details.
    [/transfer] Allows you to transfer your money to other players.
    [/deposit] Allows you to deposit your money into your bank account.
    [/withdraw] Allows you to withdraw your money from your bank account.



#Y_Less - sscanf
#Zeex - ZCMD



[FilterScript] Area 69 Security Force (FCNPC)


There are 25 soliders that will attack anyone who enters AREA 69

If the player leaves the soliders will stop attacking the player who left

Everytime a player leaves or enters the attack zone each solider will get the closest player to him and wil attack only him until the next check.









SA-MP team - for samp
ME - for the script
ZIGGI - for fcnpc
INCOGNITO - for streamer

Attached Files
File Type: pwn Army.pwn (3.3 KB)

[FilterScript] RainbowVehicle Color

[FilterScript] Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1)


Jensen - Dynamic Label System (v1)

(sorry my english :d)
Hello guys, please specify the errors you found in the system.
It registers with the file path (binary file).


Put Filterscripts and Scriptfiles in to mode.



[FilterScript] [New]Death Matchs System

Death Matchs FilterScript

  • Kill Counter
  • Spree System
  • Disable/Enable Death Matchs
  • Get all players to dm
  • Limit a player from DM
  • Spectating In DM
  • Exit From DM
  • Chat DM
  • Auto Start Minigun & Rpg DM

  • include a_samp - Samp Team
  • include streamer - Incognito
  • include zcmd - Zeex
  • include sscanf2 - maddinat0r


/DeathMatchs (/DM) - Join The DeathMatchs 
/Exit - Exit From DeathMatchs   
/gExit - Exit From GunGame

/LockDm - Limit a Player From DeathMatchs
/UnLockdm - Remove Limit a Player    
/SpecDm - Show DeathMatchs
(/gatd) - Get All Players To DeathMatchs
Type .chat For Chat In DM And Send Message For Players In Dm! Example: .Hello!

DeathMatchs Dialog:

Join The DeathMatch:

Dialog SpecDM:

Dialog GetAllPlayersToDm:

Downloads Link:
MediaFire - Download

[FilterScript] Deep Hunter Job

(JOB): Deer Hunter

Hello! I'm back with a new FS.

In this new FS, is a new job, inspired on Nephrite Servers (JADE/RUBY).

Commands / Money

- [/getjob] - to get Hunter Job
- [/quitjob] - give up
- [/work] - to start hunting

- if u kill Deep from a distance lower than 20m, u failed and you don't receive your money
- if u kill Deep from a distance between [20, 39]m, u will get $1000 + a random part of 500$ (u can edit that)
- if u kill Deep from a distance bigger than 40m, u will got a bonus in money



[FilterScript] Deer Hunter Job

(JOB): Deer Hunter

Hello! I'm back with a new FS.

In this new FS, is a new job, inspired on Nephrite Servers (JADE/RUBY).

Commands / Money

- [/getjob] - to get Hunter Job
- [/quitjob] - give up
- [/work] - to start hunting

- if u kill Deep from a distance lower than 20m, u failed and you don't receive your money
- if u kill Deep from a distance between [20, 39]m, u will get $1000 + a random part of 500$ (u can edit that)
- if u kill Deep from a distance bigger than 40m, u will got a bonus in money



pastebin: https://pastebin.com/ydALKsMG

**sorry for last topic, i forgot to put pastebin and i screw up with tittle :)
***I will update the FS in few days, making deers move, making it harder to fire them

[FilterScript] doxIT! - Analyse Players IPs



DoxIT is a simple filterscript that allows the administrators to have access to some nice information about the player IP using the command /dox <playerid>.
  • Reverse DNS
  • Internet Username
  • City
  • Country
  • Country Code
  • Internet Server Provider
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • TimeZone
  • Organization
  • Region
  • Region Name
  • Postal Code
  • Using/Not using VPN/Proxy

You can integrate this filterscript in your gamemode easily.

In the print, it says Origin IP Banned because the API that I use is free and has a daily limit of requests, and when you pass that limit it bans your IP for that day. I got banned today because I was doing to many requests for testing purposes.

Directly from the API website:

Given an IP address, the system will return a probabilistic value (between a value of 0 and 1) of how likely the IP is a VPN / proxy / hosting / bad IP. A value of 1 means that IP is explicitly banned (a web host, VPN, or TOR node) by our dynamic lists. Otherwise, the output will return a real number value between 0 and 1, of how likely the IP is bad / VPN / proxy, which is inferred through machine learning & probability theory techniques using dynamic checks with large datasets. Billions of new records are parsed each month to ensure the datasets have the latest information and old records automatically expire. The system is designed to be efficient, fast, simple, and accurate.


strlib - https://github.com/oscar-broman/strlib
sscanf - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=570927
Pawn.CMD - http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=608474

(I used Pawn.CMD but you can use other ones, it's up to you)


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