Channel: SA-MP Forums - Filterscripts
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[FilterScript] Ban Hammer

Ban Hammer

First of all, I don't even know why I had the idea of making this, but I did. You can equip it by using /hammer, then all you gotta do is hit somebody and that person gets banned. More information below.

  • #define ADMINS_ONLY (true) - Change it to false if you want anyone to use it (Not really recommended, but the choice is yours).
  • #define SAVE_LOGS (true) - Change it to false to disable the creation of logs. If enabled (Which is by default), a file named ''Ban_Hammer.txt" will be created in scriptfiles with ban logs.

  • /hammer


[FilterScript] Simple House System

Simple House System

hey so I have made this simple house system with a help on tutorial this house system is for beginner
this script have no bugs if you find any post here plz

Silverms(me) For This Filterscript
+rep If You Liked it

[FilterScript] Simple Radio System

Simple Radio System
1.You Have Four Songs You Can Play by /radio 0,1,2,3,4.
2.You Can Play songs From Your Own URL by /radio [url].
3.The Players In Your Car Can Hear The Same Song Too.
None If You Have Any You Can Post Here.

Silverms(me)For Creating This FilterScript

[FilterScript] City Spawn Choice!

Hey guys I have made a new filterscript in which you can choose what city you spawn in. The spawnpoints of each are chosen randomly according to that city. You can add your own spawnpoints(my coords are just for testing purposes).
There are 4 lists of coords (Coords for LS, LV, SF and RandomSpawn.)


/sfspawn (You only spawn in the city SF)
/lsspawn (You only spawn in the city LS)
/lvspawn (You only spawn in the city LV)
/randomspawn (You spawn randomly in all cities)


Compile the .pwn file into your filterscripts file.
Add the filterscript name to your server.cfg.

The instructions are in the script given below in pastebin.


Pastebin (perfect indents and no errors): http://pastebin.com/ZeBLkEvG

p.s My last filterscript was a complete fail. I ended up insulting a few I never meant to. I'm very sorry for my behavior then.

[FilterScript] [MySQL][IRC][A-AB][YBot] The best intelligent bot.

Yaa Bot



this is an inteligent bot that can protect you irc / samp server from spammers and bad players, and also can protect your server from airbreakers.


- he can kick / ban players who uses bad words in server

- can kick users in irc who spam " unban me pls " etc

- warn with kick and ban after it

- joke command give a randoms jokes to players

- seen command that give you last session of a player was connected

- 8ball command that answer players with yes or no :D

- Random mesasge. in irc and ingame.

- He can answer like a player (check screenshots)

- MySQL System to save player seen

- Anti airbreak dedicated

- the joke, 8ball, cmds, seen, forum, are also in irc !

and much more

Commands Ex:

1) .forum - this command show the forum of server to a all players !

2) .8ball (/8ball) - this command answer players (send to all) with yes or no! for a random questions

3) .seen (/seen) - this command answer players what the last session date for a player

4) .joke - this command send a random jokes to the players :D

and same to irc !

Admin Commands:

5) /botsay - this command sends to players msg by an admin connected undercouver by bot name


ingame: http://imgur.com/a/sirnw

irc: http://imgur.com/a/NxOEQ

How to setup:

- Download the package from github or pastebin.

* pastebin users:
Add a directory in scriptfiles for saving the warned and banned players (YBot/warned) (YBot/Banned)

- Open your pawn editor and put the script in

- Change MySQL Informations to your own mysql informations

- Change irc info

- Change botname (#define YBot "YBot") (not needed)

- Press F5

- Upload it to server

- Restart the server

- Have fun

Download Link:

Github: https://github.com/LVPYassine/YBot/archive/1.0.zip

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/YVMXQq2h


- Yaa - Scripting this

- SAMP Team

- Ig for irc include

- Y_Less

- BlueG

Thank you,


[FilterScript] Ultraz Animations System

Ultraz Animations System v1.0

Released on 11/02/2017

Animations Commands :-


/bj1 | /bj2 | /bj3

Defines :-


#define SVRNAME "SERVERNAMEHERE" // Change to your Server Name
Credits :-
a_samp include to SA:MP Team
Me for coding this Animations script

Downloads :-

Sendspace : https://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/...vlkDfgFLuDa39Q
Pastebin : http://pastebin.com/7WcXiS4P
Mediafire : https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ab0...67r5t7d/shared
Have fun and wait me in new Realeses

[FilterScript] Weapon Shop

[FilterScript] Police Maverick Megaphone

Police Maverick Megaphone

You probably know the police maverick w/ megaphone when you get 3 wanted stars in single-player, so yeah, I brought the megaphone feature into SAMP. I took all the megaphone sound ids (53 sound ids) including one from ''Reuniting the families'' mission. I won't provide a video of my own, so if you wanna hear the quotes, you can find them in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSSoramRw_I

This filterscript is configurable, you can enable the creation of the police mavericks that come by default with the FS in each police department, including their model, spawn delay and paint jobs.


• #define HELICOPTER_MODEL (497) - By default it is the police maverick, but you can change it to any model. Also, remember that the model you define, is the model you will be able to use the megaphone on.

• #define SPAWN_PMAVERICKS (true) - Enables the creation of the mavericks included, if enabled, the configuration below in blue can be used.

   • #define SPAWN_LS (true) - Enables the creation of the mavericks included, in LS.
   • #define SPAWN_SF (true) - Enables the creation of the mavericks included, in SF.
   • #define SPAWN_LV (true) - Enables the creation of the mavericks included, in LV.

   • #define HELI_PJ1 (0) - Helicoper/Vehicle model's paint job 1.
   • #define HELI_PJ2 (1) - Helicoper/Vehicle model's paint job 2.

   • #define HELI_SD (15) - Helicoper/Vehicle spawn delay (in seconds).

Note: If enabled, they will have the same model as defined in HELICOPTER_MODEL

How to use?

Get inside a police maverick, or in that case, the model you defined, and press Y (KEY_YES) in your keyboard. You and people close to you (in a range of 50m) will hear it.

foreach 0.4.1 standalone: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=570868


[FilterScript] Dynamic Giftbox System v1.

Custom Dynamic Giftbox System


This is a dynamic giftbox system in his first version it's a system which deploys an object which is giftbox , there are random gifts which the player can get as the administrator who deploys the giftbox his name appears for everyone in the server, the prizes are also changeable.

1- Custom Dynamic Giftbox which when you deploy it, an object spawns and a dynamic text label.
2- When the administrator deploy the giftbox a message will be sent to all with the name of the admin and the additional information.
3- The one who deploys the giftbox should be in the RCON to deploy it otherwise, he can't.
4- The player should be near the giftbox to do the command so.

None for now, if you realized one, please inform me as soon as possible.

Download links

1- Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/KrvPiNA3

[FilterScript] FGPS - Fj0rtizFredde

Hey guys, I am re - releasing an old filterscript about GPS. Well this is mainly educational purpose now since mostly people know scripting. Mostly.

The main purpose of releasing was really to make newbies understand some basics about GPS and stuff.

Why do this? You can just checkpoints or pickups for GPS

Well you can do whatever you want but reading this might enlighten you just like how it did with me.

The filterscript was created by Fj0rtizFredde and he had agreed for me to maintain the script and update it. It had been two years since this was made and I am happy to say that I learned things on this two year old script rather than those latter tutorials. So maybe you can learn something from here.

For now it will be released at it's early stage FGPS v1.0 since the changes are made needs testing and newbies can read this to do the arrow things that some are asking.


*A GPS system using an arrow, used by some famous gamemodes out there.
*It is created with SQLITE so using it would be very very easy.
*The old GPS feature had a naming convention using splits and a comma, now it uses space and spaces between names can be made using '_' underscores
*The old GPS feature can't save new locations for your gps now you can move your old gps location anytime you want.
*The old GPS feature uses /fedit, /fsave now it uses /gpssave and /gpsrename to have some naming convention of it's own.
*The old GPS feature uses OnPlayerUpdate which might make problems on a longer run, moved to using y_timers on time. You can change the timer update to lower value for smoother arrow action but handle with care.


*You can set specific GPS names
*You can set who can use the GPS by group convention(may go against your gamemode script)
*Deleting/Removing of GPS locations and sorting the remaining locations so that there will be no blank spaces. (Currently having spaces when deleting so command was removed.)

How To Use
1.)Compile using the latest includes.
2.)When you first start your server it will close don't. Worry it only means that the SQL had created the specified place to save your server. It is necessary to make sure that the data saving will not get corrupted.
3.)To create on your GPS locations you must first become a server admin or an RCON admin.
4.)/gpssave to create a location. It uses GetPlayerPos so please make sure to stand on where you want the GPS to be pointed at.
5.)/gpsrename to rename the name of the GPS
6.)If you want to delete a location Don't do it. Rename the GPS instead and relocate it so that there won't be any bugs.

If you have any problems with the naming conventions made into the script. (Hehe if you read the script you'll understand) It wasn't me, I'm innocent. It was already there and I didn't do anything on it.

Pictures will follow soon

This are the old links that Fj0rtizFredde had created
Old Repository by Fj0rtizFredde: https://github.com/Fj0rtizFredde/FGPS
Old Thread by Fj0rtizFredde: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?p=1047959

Fj0rtizFredde for creating this filterscript
Y_less for YSI includes
Slice for sqlite improved
Zeex for ZCMD - planned to use other CMD commands but ZCMD is much faster to update for now.
SA-MP development team for sa-mp
Sacky for fcreate function, credited by Fj0rtizFredde

link to the updated version:

If anyone wants to upload this on pastebin, you may do but please do pm me the link and I'll add it here.

updates might come longer than expected since I am also scripting my own gamemode, but I'll give time to it.

If I missed something please do tell me so that I can add it.

Any suggestions? Feel free to open an issue on github.

The pawno code has an M on it?
I don't know why I'm still new to github but found the platform to be so handy so that's why I'm using it.

SolidFiles V 1.0 - https://www.solidfiles.com/v/Dk84dzyvMPBym
SolidFiles V 1.1 - https://www.solidfiles.com/v/QkDpz3jxqGeXR

I'm so sorry if edits are to minimal and will surely have bugs since I am doing it along with my classes, currently my university is f upped right now with unclear class schedules since we have passed the should have been end of class on first week of February but because of natural circumstances it was moved. If there are bugs please feel free to tell me so I can update it. No point in letting people read and learn what the filterscript contains.

[FilterScript] GiromB Simple System VIP ( G-VIP ) (DOF2,ZCMD AND SSCANF)

GiromB System VIP ( G-VIP )

Hi bros, I have come to bring this FILTERSCRIPT so that it can be studied by beginners and it can also serve as a basis. thanks for listening ( I accept suggestions for future releases)

Commands (RCON):

/Setvip id days
/delete id
Commands( Vip)


/CVip --> chat vip
/kitvip --> weapons vip
/Vips -> Vips online

° Create folder "GVips" in scriptfiles
°Do not remove credits

No bug found, if they find it report to be fixed ...

Remembering that it is a very simple system


° Creators of includes( ZCMD, DOF2 and SSCANF )
°GiromB ( FS)
°SAMP Team by the samp

P.S: Sorry my bad english '~'

[FilterScript] Cyber Coffee | By OTACON

[FS/MAP] Cyber Coffee | By OTACON

[] Downloads:


[] Credits:

[FilterScript] Drop weapon system

[FilterScript] Magic Wand (Extended Weapon)

Hello, I would like to present you the Magic Wand Script


Magic.inc GitHub / Abyss Morgan Website
3DTryg.inc GitHub / Abyss Morgan Website Thread
ColAndreas Plugin Thread

PHP Code:

#include <SAM/3DTryg>
#include <Magic> 

PHP Code:

ToggleUseTeamMagicShoot(bool:toggle);            //default: false
ToggleMagicShootForAll(bool:toggle);             //default: false
ToggleMagicShootForPlayer(playerid,bool:toggle); //default: false

PHP Code:

Left Mouse Button 

Filterscript not exist because filterscripts have limits.
This has been replaced by include, having automatic installation, efficient GameMode/FilterScript.

[FilterScript] Sabre GT

[FilterScript] Easy gate system with Saving and Load v1.0

Hy friend.. i will share my work..
I had never been trouble, looking gate system that is easy to use and can store, also reload in the game, I did not find the filterscript like it. but finally I can make it alone. and I will share the results to you who are needed. This gate is very easy to use and not troublesome course.


you must RCON login for use this commands!

/rcon login <password>

use /gatehelp for see all gate commands

1. /creategate >> for create a gate");
2. /gedit          >> for settings the gate");
3. /gused          >> for saw gate has used");
4. /deletegate >> for deleteyour gate");
5. /gotogate  >> for teleport in a gate");
6. /gate                  >> for open/close your gate");
7. /savegates  >> for saving all gate");

Download Link : http://www.mediafire.com/file/r3r21g...gatesystem.rar

Video How to use : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W19N4YgHjbE

dont forget Rep++ :P xD

1. Dandy_Corleone(Me) >> create this system
2. Y_Less >> sscanf
3. Incognito >> streamer
4. ZeeX >> ZCMD

[FilterScript] Vehicle Parachute

Hello, I would like to present you the Vehicle Parachute Script


VehPara.inc GitHub / Abyss Morgan Website
3DTryg.inc GitHub / Abyss Morgan Website Thread
ColAndreas Plugin Thread

PHP Code:

#include <SAM/3DTryg>
#include <VehPara> 

PHP Code:


PHP Code:

Open/thrown parachute 

Example Code:
PHP Code:


vid GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
IsToggleVehicleParachute(vid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xCC0000FF,"Your vehicle already has a parachute");
IsVehicleFlag(GetVehicleFlags(vid),VF_STREET)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,0xCC0000FF,"For this vehicle can not be mounted parachute");

Filterscript not exist because filterscripts have limits.
This has been replaced by include, having automatic installation, efficient GameMode/FilterScript.

[FilterScript] Coins Currency - DINI

System Information;

This system provides a new currency to the server and removes the old currency [Regular Money] however a lot were asking me to release this one and there we go, it's quiet simple but somehow useful. Currency of this system is called Coins, I was planning to edit it to SA Dollars or US Dollars but I had it set to coins because i'm working on a script that requires coins however it's quiet easy to edit the currency to US Dollars or something else instead of Coins.


• Currency's value in textdraws.
• Saves when you leave, loads when you connect.
• Textdraws update every 500 miliseconds.






Note: This system doesn't use the "GivePlayerMoney" function.
There's no bugs were found till now, I also expect no bugs to be found however if you found any bugs, feel free to post a reply with the found bug.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to give somebody coins if this system doesn't use the GivePlayerMoney function?
• Simply use this function "GiveCoins(playerid, amount);" or this one to give only a coin "GiveOneCoin(playerid);"
How does it save the coins and loads them when a player connects?
• It checks if the player file exists in the Coins folder, if it doesn't exist it creates a new one and if it exists then it loads his coins.

Saving system

You got to create a new folder in your scriptfiles called "Coins" in-order to save the coins in each account, not creating this folder will cause the saving system not to work which means it won't save any coins.

V0.2 - Textdraws were edited and look better now.
V0.3 - Updates listed below;- A bit improved the textdraws, not sure if they look better now.
- Fixed a bug within the coins updater.
- Removed useless functions.

I was told to re-post all of my releases I had on this new account as my previous account has been bugged and I'm no longer able to use it, so do not report or reply wondering why did I re-post these releases, thanks.

[FilterScript] Brutally Wounded System

I really had nothing to do so I decided to script this simple filterscript and share it with ya'll, hope you enjoy it.

What does this system do?
It's simply showing a textdraw with the brutally wounded bodypart. If you were shot in the Torso, it shows a textdraw saying "Brutally Wounded in Torso", the textdraws dissapear when you die.


Example commands that were created for test purposes only;

/torso - Enables the Torso Wound.
/groin - Enables the Groin Wound.
/leftarm - Enables the Left Arm Wound.
/rightarm - Enables the Right Arm Wound.
/leftleg - Enables the Left Leg Wound.
/rightleg - Enables the Right Leg Wound.
/head - Enables the Head Wound.
/healme - Treats all the Wounds.


Special thanks to Adri1 for the TDEditor.
Special thanks to Zeex for the ZCMD.


Further Information

This system is to be updated soon

I was told to re-post all of my releases I had on this new account as my previous account has been bugged and I'm no longer able to use it, so do not report or reply wondering why did I re-post these releases, thanks.

[FilterScript] Custom Damage System

Simple Custom Damage/Knockout/Shock system

Hello everybody, I decided to share my filterscript with ya all, didn't release anything since I joined so I decided to spare some change 0.0.
  • Custom Damage for shots
  • Shock system - It sets your drunk level to 8000 for XXX seconds(Depends on the gun), and keeps moving the screen.
  • Message when you get shot
  • Knockout system - When you get pushed by a melee gun, you get knocked on the ground with a special animation for 30 secs, and won't be able to move
  • Bleeding System (v0.2)s
  • Injury System (v0.3)

Alright, custom damage system is simple and useful aswell, here's the damages for the guns:


Assault Machines (M4-AK47) | -20 Damage + Shock for ten haundred seconds.
Glock 49. (9mm) | -45 Damage + Shock for ten haundred seconds.
Glock. 47 D-E S. (Deagle) | -40 Damage + Shock for ten haundred seconds.
Sniper Rifle | Kills you or injuries you, depends on your script.
Katana | -60 Damage + Knockout for thirty seconds + Shock for ten haundred seconds.
Baseball Bat | -40 Damage + Knockout for twenty seconds + Shock for fifty seconds.
Baton (Nitestick) | -50 Damage + Knockout for fifty seconds + ten haundred and fifty seconds.
Cane/Knife/Golf Club/Shovel/Pool Cue | -30 Damage + Knockout for five seconds.
[REMOVED]Remington 97. Sawnoff (Sawnoff Shotgun) | -10 Damage/x2-4 + Shock for two haundred seconds.

Armor Damages:

Sniper Rifle | Removes all the armour.
Katana | -30 Armour Damage.
Cane/Knife/Golf Club/Shovel/Pool Cue | -10 Armour Damage.

V0.2 Changelog.

- Bleeding system has been added.
- Injury system for the bleeding.
- Cure system, it stops the bleeding, you simply stop behind the all saints hospital and type [/cure] for $500.
- All guns are working now.
- Removed the armour damage, you don't bleed if you got armour.
- Reduced few damages for few guns.
- You no longer get shocked by the melee guns, excluding nitestick and baseball.
- Each gun has a time for the shock now, shock is no longer 100 seconds for all guns.
- Fixed knockout aswell.
- Optimized the code, it's much better now.

V0.3 Changelog:

- You get injured now if you got shot multiple times by certain guns, for example you got shot three times by M4A1/AK47, then you get injured.
- Removed previous injury system, replaced it with the one stated above.
- Damage for the Desert Eagle has been fixed.
- Damage for the 9mm has been reduced by fifty percent.
- Knockout of the baseball bat has been updated.
- Knockout of the others has been fixed.

Version 0.1 - Not recommended.
Version 0.2
Version 0.3 - Recommended.

I was told to re-post all of my releases I had on this new account as my previous account has been bugged and I'm no longer able to use it, so do not report or reply wondering why did I re-post these releases, thanks.
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