Hello friends of samp, today I bring to you a Filterscript specially created for you forum.
The system uses Dof2, Sscanf, and pawn.cmd. Lets go to what matters:
► Introduction
→ The FS is a VIP system by KEYS and LEVELS DAYS,
the VIP is automatically removed by completing the days contained in each key.
Available levels:
P: But how about Keys ?
R: keys is a less laborious method of selling VIP, for example,
you have your server and you do not have much time to log in, you can move the key
by some form of contact and the player himself activates his VIP using this Key.
► Commands
→ The FS uses:
12 CommandsVIP
→ To access the commands use: /commandsvip
2 commands PLAYER
5 commands ADMIN
→ To create a new key use the /createkey command remembering that each key can have a different vip level.
→ To remove an existing key use /removekey
→ To directly vip a player use /darvip
→ To remove a vip from a player use /removervip
→ The /respawn command destroys all cars created by VIPs.
► DOF2
→ Remembering that this version uses dof2 as a save, then we must create the folders before connecting:
→ Within Scriptfiles create the folder;
→ And inside the folder cVIP create two more:
→ The complete download already contains the folders
► Credits
→ Cleyson Stein by script
→ Creators of includes dof2, sscanf, and pawn.cmd
► Download
→ Pastebin
→ Complete
The system uses Dof2, Sscanf, and pawn.cmd. Lets go to what matters:
► Introduction
→ The FS is a VIP system by KEYS and LEVELS DAYS,
the VIP is automatically removed by completing the days contained in each key.
Available levels:
VIP Gold // Level 3
VIP Silver // Level 2
VIP Bronze // Level 1
R: keys is a less laborious method of selling VIP, for example,
you have your server and you do not have much time to log in, you can move the key
by some form of contact and the player himself activates his VIP using this Key.
► Commands
→ The FS uses:
12 CommandsVIP
→ To access the commands use: /commandsvip
2 commands PLAYER
5 commands ADMIN
→ To create a new key use the /createkey command remembering that each key can have a different vip level.
→ To remove an existing key use /removekey
→ To directly vip a player use /darvip
→ To remove a vip from a player use /removervip
→ The /respawn command destroys all cars created by VIPs.
► DOF2
→ Remembering that this version uses dof2 as a save, then we must create the folders before connecting:
→ Within Scriptfiles create the folder;
► Credits
→ Cleyson Stein by script
→ Creators of includes dof2, sscanf, and pawn.cmd
► Download
→ Pastebin
→ Complete